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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Grabity: New Paradigm of Internet

About Grabity

Grabity is a public Blockchain project, for the change of the Internet worldview from unified system to a conveyed system. Current equipment execution has enhanced drastically, sufficiently even for cell phones to have preferable execution over past servers. Be that as it may, it doesn't utilize 100% of storage room or registering power. Anybody can share PC assets through effectively had inert gadgets, for example, cell phones, tablets, and PCs, and clients can get remunerates as much as they give assets, and DApp designers can utilize the mutual PC assets to work administrations at a lower cost. At the point when the Grabity venture achieves the commercialization arrange, anybody will have the capacity to make the utilization of dispersed hubs to switch the Internet worldview.


Orbits Network

The Orbits Network is Grabity's decentralized main net that draws a genuinely disseminated P2P arrange by using all inert PC assets that are wired/wirelessly connect. Exchanges from Orbits Network are overseen proficiently through Genesis Hoisting innovation, which can process exchanges all the while and rapidly. Also, Smart Contracts and Resource Files can be put away in independent parts into every hub by utilizing the dispersed stockpiling innovation. At that point, Defrag Function innovation can review each section and execute a streaming format.

Planet Wallet

Planet Wallet is the hub customer and official wallet of the Orbits Network. So as to anchor the clients, Planet Wallet will be released before the dispatch of the fundamental net with the capacity of exchanging token helpfully through cell phone number, alongside putting away and moving token in the application between trades. After the fundamental net dispatch, hub application capacity and DApp Store will be included.


The Grabity ecosystem comprises of nodes, community, DApp, and platforms, and each foundation adds to the ecosystem based on the token economy. Grabity present the token economy and different prerequisites for the ecosystem to work and create as follows.

Token Economy

The buyers of PC assets can utilize the Orbits Network utilizing GBT for not exactly the expense of building or keeping up existing servers, and the supplier of PC assets can acquire GBT by furnishing Orbits Network with inactive assets or additional gadgets of their own gadgets.

The GBT that every node obtains is relative to the giving measure of PC asset and token maintenance. CPU, Storage, Bandwidth.

The Token Economy of the Orbits Network offer some incentive through connection by dissemination of tokens that take an interest as token consumer and node, such as consumers of computer resources, platform users, ICO members, node that wants more reward, and suppliers of PC assets and acquires GBT as remuneration.


The estimation of the fundamental net relies upon the quantity of DApp. Most DApp clients originate from existing application clients, so Grabity gives a commonplace DApp Store to existing application clients. Since the fundamental prerequisite to utilize DApp is the unlimited storage room and exchange of tokens, DApp Store will be discharged on PC and versatile variants related with different wallets and trades.

The DApp Store is grouped into different classifications, for example, amusement, back, informal communication, media, wellbeing, training, music, and so on and the positioning framework depends on a calculation that exhaustively think about day by day normal number of clients, fulfillment, exchange, and advancement.

Token Distribution

Token Sale

  • Fundraising Goal: Hard Cap 30,000,000 USD / Soft Cap 10,000,000 USD
  • Total Volume: 10,000,000,000 GBT
  • Sale Volume: 7,000,000,000 GBT
  • Price: 1 GBT = 0.0053 $
  • Token distribution: 2019. 4. 1 ~
  • Grabity Team: CO-Founder 2 Year / Member 1 Year


  • 2018 Q4
    Smart Contract Deploy
    ERC20-based token issue

  • 2019 Q1
    Network layer Development (P2P-based overlay network establishment)
    Planet Wallet launching (Android, iOS)

  • 2019 Q2
    Data layer development
    Consensus layer development

  • 2019 Q3
    Orbits Network Beta launching
    Node Client development
    Block Explorer development

  • 2019 Q4
    Application layer development

  • 2020 Q1
    Management layer development

  • 2020 Q2
    Orbits Network launching
    GBT-based DEX, DApp Store launching

More Information:

Website | Whitepaper | Telegram | Medium | Facebook
Twitter | Youtube | Reddit | Steemit

BitcoinTalk Username: gunnerslon
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1517574
ETH: 0xE2Eea3fB4e2019a0789738Ec5D8f232bCb1f73b9

0.402 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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