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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

HashByte: Renewable & Green Mining Revolution

What is HashByte?

HashByte is a renewable energy crypto mining company which involves team of entrepreneurs, investors, cryptocurrency experts and climate change believers.

Green Future

Going green has two main benefits as highlighted below. They are:

  • Going green saves the environment
    Bitcoin mining is producing 17.7 million tons of carbon emissions per year. Adopting green mining will help reduce and minimize these carbon emissions. While not everyone will be willing to go this route, HashByte is one of the first companies to adopt a fully environmental mining farm that is both profitable and effective and that produces less carbon emissions to help to save the environment.

  • Going green will reduce mining costs
    The most expensive part of mining is the recurrent energy cost and miners spend a large portion of their proceeds paying these high costs. Most miners stop mining when the energy costs of running their rigs become too much. This means that in the future most miners will have problems making money because of the high utility bills they will get.

What is HashByte CLoud-Mining?

HashByte Cloud-Mining was formed early 2018 as a means to provide green energy mining, which saves the planet as well as a safe and secure means of investment to those interested in either just getting started in the cryptocurrency space and those who have been around awhile.

What is HSB Token? Where and how to buy it?

HSB token is the primary utility token for the HashByte and GreenHash™ ecosystem, HSB can be purchased during the TGE phase and will be available for purchase on crypto exchanges.

How many HSB tokens will be issued?

The totatl supply for the HSB token is capped at 20,000,000 (20 Million) and would not exceed that amount.

Token sale term

  • Name: HashByte
  • Ticker: HSB
  • Total Supply: 20,000,000 HSB
  • Soft Cap: 10,000,000 USD
  • Hard Cap: 30,000,000 USD
  • Currency: BTC, ETH
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 70 HSB
  • Min Purchase: 0.5 ETH / 35 HSB
  • PreSale Starts: 1st Nov 2018
  • PreSale Ends: 30th Nov 2018
  • ICO Starts: 1st Dec 2018
  • Ends: 18th Dec 2018

Funds Allocation

  • 44% - GreenHash R&D
  • 15% - Operations
  • 26% - Marketing
  • 15% Eco Developers

Token distribution

  • 3% Advisors
  • 9% Change Believers
  • 25% Reserved
  • 45% Supply Flow

When is are Pre-Sale and TGE dates?

HSB presale starts on the 1st of Nov 2018 till and ends on the 30th of Nov 2018 while TGE starts on the 1st of Dec and ends on the 15th of Dec.

When does HSB list on the cryptocurrency exchanges?

HSB token would be listed on exchanges following the token generation event. HSB would become available to trade and buy on major cryptocurrency exchanges on the 20th of Dec 2018.


BitcoinTalk Username: gunnerslon
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1517574
ETH: 0xE2Eea3fB4e2019a0789738Ec5D8f232bCb1f73b9

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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