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5 лет назад

Batmine to create the most profitable Crypto Assets Mining

Cryptocurrency mining, or cryptomining, is a process that generate new crypto asset. It involves a process in which transactions are verified and added to the blockchain digital ledger.
Miners ensure the authenticity of information and updating the blockchain with the transaction. The mining process itself involves solving complicated mathematical problems with cryptographic hash functions that are associated with a block containing the transaction data.

There are several means of mining cryptocurrencies
Cloud Mining. This involves renting of mining “rig for specified period of time. All of the earnings acquired during the period belong to you and are sent to your wallet.
CPU Mining. Less people utilize CPU mining this day because it is less productive with little return on investment. CPU mining involves using processors to mine cryptocurrencies. Mining is slow and generally not profitable due to high cost of electricity. But it was a viable way of mining crypto assets in the early day of cryptocurrency

GPU Mining rigs utilize graphics cards to mine cryptocurrencies. One standard rig is made out of a processor, a motherboard, cooling, rig frame and graphics cards.

ASICs Mining. ASICs stands for Application-Specific Integrated Circuits. ASICs are special devices that are designed explicitly to mine cryptocurrencies. ASICs mining is more effective , efficient and yield more crypto assets than GPU and CPU.


BatMine is a cryptocurrency mining firm based in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic in Europe owned by skilled Cyber artisans and Blockchain professionals..

BatMine is more than just another crypto mine. It is Blockchain Applied Technology (BAT) at its best, crafted to an art by skilled Cyber artisans and Blockchain professionals.

BatMine has come to create the advanced cryptocurrency mining platform the crypto ecosystem needs. Batmine aims to produce the most profitable, fast and sustainable crypto currency mine that ever existed.
According to the whitepaper, the BatMine mining location will function as head office for all mining activities. A separate office will be opened in Prague, Sofia or other suitable city for day-to-day commercial operations.

BatMine is Eco-friendly

Batmine promises to use green energy. In a bid to fulfil their promise of eco-friendly manning, BatMine has pre-contracted an excellent price of around 4 cents per KwH

Excellent HASH Power

BatMine will use miners with a hash power of up to 55 TH/s. For LTC, ETH and other scrypt-algorythm based coins we use mining chips with 10nm, 5M scrypt hash per chip and an ultralow energy usage of 0.5W/M hash power.

In case of an official legal compliancy- and license requirement in our country/ies of operation, our mines will be fully legally compliant and licensed.

The BATM Token

The BATM token is an ERC20 token and it will have a total supply of 350 million. BATM tokens are provided to investors as a gift. An investor will receive 750 BATM tokens for every ETH invested. Those tokens can be exchanged for any and all services and goods offered by BatMine. After the successful ICO, BatMine plans to place a mining facility in the Czech Republic. The facility can house 12,000 miners of which up to 10,000 miners (depending on how much we raise) will be purchased from the proceeds of this ICO.




For more information study the whitepaper at https://batmine.io/download/1

One pager: https://batmine.io/download/2

Website: https://batmine.io/

Bounty0x Username: Joyjoyce0

0.429 GOLOS
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