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5 лет назад

Comparative advantages of large scale mining operations: MinedBlock

About #MinedBlock
The blockchain is a distributed, un-editable database which stores transaction information, crypto wallet* balances and details of minted (newly created) coins. Mining validates those transactions, processes payments and updates them to the distributed ledger in a new block

#MinedBlock is a Fintech Crypto Mining & Infrastructure Service Provider specializing in transaction processing, or ‘mining’, for crypto currency transactions. The ‘Parent’ company MinedBlock Limited will own all of the assets, infrastructure and operation while the ‘Subsidiary’ company will own the ‘Service’. The reason behind this model is to tokenise equity in the subsidiary while retaining private ownership of all the assets in the parent company.

25% of revenues will be retained by the parent company to be used for ongoing expansion and operational costs. Miners, collectively, provide the backbone infrastructure network for cryptocurrency blockchains, the blockchain provides a single, distributed ledger across multiple ‘nodes’ (specialist mining hardware) which perform the activity of ‘mining’ transactions.

Vision of MinedBlock
“Our vision is to become a major player in the cryptocurrency arena and for MinedBlock to own a significant part of the infrastructure required to process transactions and mint new crypto assets. This will enable our investors to reap a significant return on investment while we employ an aggressive growth strategy to position ourselves as the ‘Amazon’ of the crypto mining industry”

Competitive Advantages of MinedBlock

#MinedBlock’s service is endlessly scalable; in order to grow the service we simply would install and configure more mining equipment. There isn’t any technical limitation to how big it could get. MinedBlock has the ability to quickly and easily expand into multiple revenue streams including, but not limited to, expansion of the range of mined crypto assets and the ability to host private mining services.

Initially, 40% of our infrastructure will be dedicated to cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin, this will enable the service to flex and switch between the asset being mined allowing us to always target the assets with the best returns based on market demand. The 60% initial allocation to Bitcoin can also be adjusted based on market prices and returns.
MinedBlock is focussed on hosting our infrastructure in areas that can provide 100% renewable energy

Market Immunity
Phase 2 of the project, which is out of scope for this round of funding, will be to build our own renewable energy sources to offset electricity costs, the primary ongoing cost factor, thus enabling continuous revenue production regardless of crypto market prices.

Projected Revenue
#MinedBlock will produce revenue through mining a strategically selected range of cryptocurrencies. Another way to ‘mine’ crypto is to buy and hold a minimum number of a coin in a wallet which entitles the holder to a share of transaction fees (similar to earning interest on a savings account). This is known as a ‘Proof of Stake’ method of mining. Publishing a wallet for Proof of Stake mining is called hosting a masternode. There are always new technological advances in the mining industry including strategies and technologies which we are prepared to adopt and add to our service.

For more information see the whitepaper: https://www.minedblock.io/assets/MinedBlockWhitepaper.pdf
Website: https://www.minedblock.io/
Join #MinedBlock on Social Medias;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinedBlock
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mined_block
Telegram: https://t.me/minedblockofficial
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MinedBlock

Bounty0x username: Joyjoyce0

0.352 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2019
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