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5 лет назад

KABN facilitating real world use of cryptos


#KABN is a neo financial service platform servicing Millennial and Gen-X retail investors. The Company offers cost-effective compliance services in exchange for acquiring leads to issue Visa card accounts and access to the corresponding KABN banking wallet. KABN monetizes card holders through card transaction fees, loyalty and affiliate commissions.


International bodies such as in United States and Europe require start-ups providing international financial services to comply with their regulations on financial industry. Many of which are time consuming as they take a long time to be completed. For example, Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations require private and sensitive personal information of customers which are verified by third-party. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations require screening and monitoring participants against international sanctions, politically exposed persons flags (PEP), and adverse media lists

In European there are regulations around data privacy and source of funds.
All these regulations are done manually, and so they are both time and capital intensive. In some cases data gathered are incomplete and difficult to verify. Many international blockchain-based start-ups are not aware of regulations outside their home country. Ignorance and noncompliance with international regulations as resulted in many crypto start-ups been sanctioned and forced to return fund funds to the investors.

KABN ID saves customers the stress of developing their own applications and accelerates compliance process. KABN provides end-to-end customer-facing applications at, what management contends, is a lower price point than traditional backend service providers.

#KABN whitelists was implemented to checkmate some activities such as purchasing crypto token. KABN whitelist was designed with its own compliance rules. Clients that comply with the rules are allowed to perform restricted action. On joining the whitelist, customers are required to provide their personal information and documents. KABN system is designed to keep history of whitelist detail to avoid same customer having to submit same information each time he joins a whitelist. #KABN whitelists support binary yes/no queries

The objective of the #KABN Card is to facilitate real world use of cryptocurrencies. The vision is to get KABN card approved and used globally. But right now the card has only been approved for in Europe. In Europe starting in the Q1-Q2 2019 KABN has been approved to issue a reloadable prepaid Visa card. KABN Customers that pass the KYC/AML on the KABN platform are qualified to receive a KABN-issued Visa card and corresponding banking wallet.

The KABN Equity Token, “digital security” or “digital certificate” is an equivalent to the KABN Preference Equity Share and has all the rights and privileges of those shares.

Private and Pre-sale rounds are currently available for qualified investors.

                                                           TOKEN ALLOCATION
                                                                                                                                                             ESTIMATED USE OF PROCEED


#KABN was founded by former banking, payments, and loyalty executives.

● Ben Kessler – CEO – https://www.linkedin.com/in/benkesslerny/
● Michael Konikoff – Chief Revenue Officer – https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelkonikoff-8577733/
● Jason Imola – Interim Chief Compliance Officer – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonimola

● Matt McGuire — Founder, The AML Shop. Recognized expert in financial crime risk management and anti-money laundering (AML).
● Dominic Vogel — Chief Security Strategist, Cyber.sc. Cyber and business security expert.
● Kriya Patel — Managing Director, Transact Payments Limited. Payments and fintech expert heading up e-money institution.
● Michael Vogel — Founder, Netcoins. Bitcoin and Blockchain entrepreneur.

For more information checkout KABN Network white paper https://www.kabntoken.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/KABN-Company-Overview-Summary.pdf

KABN Mini Presentation Q2 2019 Final: https://www.kabntoken.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/KABN-Mini-Pres-2nd-Qtr-2019-Final.pdf

Website: https://www.kabntoken.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kabnnetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KABNNETWORK
Telegram: http://kabn.network/telegram-links.php
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kabn
Medium: https://medium.com/@KABN
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6yHrA6WsU652PtKmwfZP_g

Bounty0x username: Joyjoyce0

0.359 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2019
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