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5 лет назад

Eugeniy Magidov - Scientific Supervisor of the Project

Eugeniy Grigorievich Magidov

Scientific Supervisor of the Project

Executive Vice President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Innovation Union of the Russian Federation", member of the Board of the International Project Management Association, member of the Presidential Council of the International Academy of Innovation "GLOBELICS-R", one of the founders of the Committee for Innovations and Investments of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation, member of the working group in industrial engineering and industrial cooperation of the Council for improving the competitiveness of the economy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation, the full member of the International Academy of Informatization, the Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Eugeniy Grigorievich Magidov is the author of more than 200 scientific and practical materials and publications on innovative topics.

From 2001 to the present, in accordance with the recommendations of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Security in the Sphere of Economics (Decision No. 1 from February 27, 2001) "On Measures for the Development of Innovative Activity as a Factor for Enhancing Competitiveness and Export of High-Tech Products, Eugeniy Grigorievich Magidov directs the implementation of proposals developed by the Innovation Union of Russia on the creation of a federal innovation system that unites the interests of the state and innovative entrepreneurship, including the formation of the Eurasian innovation system.

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