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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

How long is the longest that you have ever looped listening to a song?

Am I the only person who has this phenomenon? Listening to a song, deciding that it fully enhances your mood or what state of mind that you are in and without any effort it automatically plays on repeat for days and days in a row.

I am having this way more often than before and I am deciding to just let this be the case. Lately the piano mood has taken over the metal vibes for the last couple of weeks, and I guess this fits the winter mood. So eventually this turns out in me listening to the same song over and over and over until I decide it is time for a change again.

Latest victim: Nils Frahm with his most utter beauty the song ‘Says’

Yeah, I know, I only discovered Nils Frahm quite short ago but I am an absolute fan. Especially in one man shows where he is alone on stage (he is always performing solo) you can immediately see what kind of an artist he is, and only have nothing but admiration for that. Looping his beats, while implementing piano chords is something that one can only observe breathless.

Currently Nils Frahm is looping my spotify and every time I just close my eyes half way in this song and just feels what happens again. A build up from more than 6 minutes leading into a subtle but strong change of vibe and actually touching you soul deep down, you just feel like you want to drift away, but at the same time it makes you feel so very alive. There aren’t enough speakers in the world that can give the amount of auditive density that I would love to have while listening to this song.

Nils Frahm is playing in Amsterdam this week. Please someone go and do the honors of reporting how good his show was.

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