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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

'They' say your taste changes every 7 years

I once heard a saying of that your taste seems to change every 7 years in style and what you can take in. And when I am peeking into my fridge and would I compare it to my fridge 7 years ago, I can confirm that this is from my side

Back in the days a hater for most veggies, today buying the whole green section. Also known for being a hater of almost all seafood (I would always just answer 'No thanks, I don't eat from the sea. It's the wastebucket of humans') today a good fish makes me super happy. In other times a sucker for all sweets, nowadays I get happier from a snack with some body than from sugacandy. But how?

Bulgur with pomgranade, rootbeet, fetacheese, aubergines, onion, raisins and peanuts. Back in the days absolutely unthinkable that these things would end up on my plate, but hey..I guess 7 years have passed again.

The search of what causes this change is not so conclusive as that we would all like to believe. After all, we often find tha research is rectified after about a 10 year period of time. And also in these times, with bloggers like you and I, we all consider all the written words that we write and see as 'truth'. I don't know how this works for you, but for me it means that I believe even less and often make my own truth out of it.

Ignorant? -> Maybe a little

Convenient? -> Ow yesss

Anyway back to food! Well multiple reasons are mentioned. From drinking the amniotic fluids in the womb for getting used to the flavors that mom is eating to the saying that amniotic fluid in general tastes sweet (jezus who tried that? it just stinks like hell) and therefor babies have a preference to sweet flavors.

Also the gedeneration of our tastebuds over the years has a lot to do why we prefer stronger flavors over the years. We just taste less than we used to do, and eater stronger flavored food is just our compensational behavior to taste something at all.

And maybe even most important, we adjust so an 'extreme' flavor after tasting it about 10/15 times. That why we always just should try. When I look at myself I always try and taste everything as you could read in an earlier post of mine. Maybe that is why tastes that I don't know don't scare me. Maybe also because of living in different countries it means that you get more in contact with different cultures and the flavors which go with those countries.

Expanding your spectrum! That is what food is to me these days (except for the mealworm sandwich, that is just a bridge too far)

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