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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

A bull run? Uhhhhh what crypto did I have again?

Are you such a crypto douchebag like me who never keeps results of anything that happens in the wallet and is never up to date with here stats? Maybe try the Blockfolio app to keep a nice overflow in what you are doing


When I first started learning about crypto and earnings in 2017 shortly after that the infamous bull run started. I got me some crypto and most earnings were from Steem and other platforms which I soon diversified. But the problem always is....

How do you keep up with you actually have and how much it is worth?

Exactly! When you are such a douchebag like I am with these things, you really don't have a clue

I started off super nicely making an Excel sheet with my earnings and what I send it to. But soon the prices were going through the roof and I was making faster transctions than that I was updating the excel sheet. Result -> I had no idea anymore what it all was worth and were it stayed.

Ofcourse then the 2018 bloodbath started and I was such a happy camper that I had stored my earnings into alts (read douchebags and remember...just don't) and it all los 20 times its value minimum that I went into my best tactic


Recognize this tactic? If I just don't pay attention to it it isn't there

Well the skies seems to be clearing over crypto land and it is time to look at the damage control. Or at least, see what there is in store now for us. But I really hated my Excel way of calculations in this. So finally (yeah I know I live under rocks) I found Blockfolio, my new BFF

Adding your coins (8000 you can choose from) and the amount is so easy. Let's be honest, this will be an app that even I can keep up to date, so the it shouldn't be too hard for you as well. I am ready to refresh the shit out of this next bull run, are you too?

0.238 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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