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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Drugswars: In a brief 10 days I already hit break-even

For those who have been living under a rock, the awesome Steem-game Drugwars launched last week and it is raising high eyes in the State of the Dapps.

Now in an earlier post of mine I was mentioning the ROI being on the good side for now. Today this got confirmed for me as I will reach my break even point after the payout of tonight. This means that everything in payout as of tomorrow will be 'extra.' And this is actually super nice, because my posts don't make 4 / 5 Steem per day.

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This super cool feature was made by one of the #DACH members where you can type in the replies how your Drugwars stats are. You can find this bot in this post

See it is just a matter of replying in the post and your stats come popping up a couple hours later

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With that being said: I do believe that the payout will decrease as players are getting stronger and more players are joining in. Until now I am honestly super happy that fighting is disabled so I have some time to work on my empire before my whole stash gets stolen. I hope it remains for a couple of days more, but not too long before players start to lose interest. Well atleast I won't because I am liking these payouts

So again here is my drugwars-referral if you also want to start playing while you still have the chance to build up stuff super nice. I promise I won't attack you afterwards okay? ;)

0.272 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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