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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Hello Ski Amade, nice to meet you!


Hello there Ski Amade! Nice to meet you for the first time! I want to apologize to you Ski Amade for never making the effort to meet you before, while you are clearly good company!

You already looked quite good from your description, but while I am seeing you now in the flesh, you even have better aspects than I was aware of.

Now actually dear Ski Amade, You are a bit too big too handle to be honest. With the skiing areas Hochkönig, Salzburger Sportwelt, Gastein, Großarltal and Schladming-Dachstein falling all under your wings it is nearly impossible to get to know you to the fullest. 760 km of piste is just too much for a gal to handle all by herself.


What you did organize for us is the finest weather. I know today it will still be a little bit cloudy, but later on in the week you will show us your skills of how you want to be in full spring. All sunny and beautiful. I can't wait to see that side of you Ski Amade, because I am liking your style.

That the quality of your snow is not the most perfect one anymore is one of the characteristics that I will accept from you. Because that is what friends do right? We accept stuff from each other, and we take care of each other.

For now our relationship will be out little secret oke? Sttttttt


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