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6 лет назад

My 2018: Achievements and Failures

Even though 2018 still has some room left, @anomadsoul and @blocktrades finds it already time to start drawing some conclusions on how we were thriving this year. And heck, why not stretch it a couple of weeks: it’s a good topic!

The topic of this week is ‘Achievements and Failures’ and that to me makes it most challenging to think about specifics. Because for me often these two are super close to each other, often after a failure a new achievement quickly presents itself!

So what the hell all happened this year??

This is even too much to actually put in one post. For some reason I feel the need to break it all down into separate topics, but on the other hand so many things are connected to each other.

Moving Around

My biggest achievement was this year to leave the Caribbean and move to the Swiss Alps. But at the same time this FEELS like the biggest failure as well. Leaving the most chill job I ever had which gave so much room for other stuff (but on the other hand also the most boring job), leaving the most beautiful place I have ever lived, (but also the most fucked up corrupt country) , and leaving the relationship with the most sweet / loving / handsome / considerate man I have ever met, still often feels like a what have I done aka failure


This was my daily view, not to shabby right?

But that is on the other hand also the biggest achievement, stepping out a life which wasn’t making me happy anymore. I realize that it takes balls to make these kinds of steps, and that makes the feeling of failure fade to the background again.

After leaving a load of different steps came up I just HAD to take again to get my game back rolling. Apply for a new job in a country with loads of options as well as careerwise as personalwise, learning a new language and settling in would create the feeling of normality again. A wise friend of mine once said:

There are so many stable factors in life that are important to how you feel like yourself. Home, Hometown, country, friends, job, relationship. Changing one is often enough to make people end up in a burn out. You changed ALL of them this year, and expect everything to just blend in? Think again K

I guess if you put it like this it does seem like an achievement.

Crypto, Steemit and Whaleshares

Since I only started last year with crypto and quite fast after that moment the big bull run started, 2018 tends to feel like a failure. But if we look at it realistically, the choices that I made are still not the worst ones (yeah sure we all should have cashed out in February), and I have learned a lot.

Also my Steemitstack has still been growing ever since, and I feel like once the coin goes back up, my account will really be something to be proud of (fuck that I already am proud of it actually), but most importantly, I still like what I am doing, and I found going to #Steemfest gave a lot of inspiration again on WHY I am doing this. Also in the spring I was involved a lot in the Whaleshares project a lot, which resulted in a nice jumpstart when the project started. I really find Steemit and Whaleshares can not be compared to one and another, and therefore I also do not find the need to make a choice in where I want to be. I divide my time over both equally, and in general that works out just fine. Totally achievement!


I didn’t travel as much as I had wanted to actually this year. But on the other hand, realistically I almost couldn’t have done any more. I was a citizen of three different countries this year, and managed to visit the island of Saba, Berlin, Steemfest Krakow, and next week Austria, discovering new places in my new country Switzerland every week. Living in three countries this year was I guess enough already with adapting at every place.

Saba, the lonely Dutch rock in the Caribbean sea.

All in all, 2018 was surely not my most fabulous year, but it was a year with new starts and loads of opportunities for the future. I’m curious what 2019 will bring us all!

This is a contest set up by @anomadsoul and sponsored by @blocktrades . Interested in also joining in? Chere the orginal post here to see how you can join in as well

0.419 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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