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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Roadtripping time!

It's time to hit the road again on the way to Austria and this time with a different form of transportation -> by car


Ow roadtripping. For some people the most normal thing for their daily basis but since I have moved back to Europe I am living a car-less existance which is totally fine when you live in the city and have perfect working public transportation around you.

But today we are hitting the road with a bunch of people in a car. Ahhhhh this brings back memories. I never had hilarious trips while flying because you always have to act to a certain social norm, but often my most fun memories on vacations were already in the car and often driving throughout the night to save as much time as possible.

Honestly, I can't even recall how at that time I would fine the energy to do all those things. Working all day, then playing a 2-hour volleybal match and after that immediately driving into the dark night to head to other friends that were waiting on us 1000 kms South. Ow yeah, and then immediately go skiing without any sleep. How did we do that?

But often because we all had to keep each other awake these trips turned into immense fun with singing in the car, cracking jokes, playing 'guess the intro tune' and whatever more what you do with friends while driving. It is just something that you do not have when you are flying, and especially since most of my recent travels (say all of them last year) were while travelling alone, so this wasn't even one of the options.

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