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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Rokjesdag AKA skirtsday

The first pinches of spring are touching Europe and everyone is ending their hibernation process. This is something in Holland I always used to see. At about October the summer festivals come to their end and it feels like life stops all of a sudden. Terraces are getting pulled inside, and people start their renewd relationship with their couch and pajamas.

I always hated those months and the only thing what would always pull me through were my trips to the Alps to still the the feeling that there was also an outdoor life available in these winter months.

The end of the winter would be marked as 'rokjesdag'which means 'skirtsday'which actually means the first day where all the girls get their milk-pale-white legs out into skirts for the first time of the year again. I think this is the most appreciated day in the year for men since they finally see the girls in attractive clothes again instead of as witchy-couch potatoes.


Today rokjesday has arrived!

I was enjoying an outside beer with some friends after a week of being stuck in the hospital and then I saw them! It reflected from the outside of my eye and it was almost impossible for not getting my head got immediately drawn towards it. The brightness of the color of the skirts was reminding me of a tropical birds, but this time on an entirely white backdrop.

An entire clan of girls in their beginning twenties was marching by in their most sexiest and predatory clothing on the hunt for their upcoming summer projects. On the other side of the terrace another male clan of way too old dirty men picked up their signals and 7 heads turned towards these passing by girls.

The girls were totally aware of this attention and walked by there even more flirtative. Nothing more than eye contact was layed out at this moment, but the first fishing lures were thrown out to catch their summer preys.

Sweetness is in the eye of the beholder!

0.318 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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