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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Spring is lurking around the corner. I can smell it!!

Sitting on my balcony with 7 degrees Celsius with a crystal clear blue sky in a T-shirt, there is is almost no bigger contrast possible compared to last week, when I was hiding inside with 20 centimeters of snow at exactly the same spot. The birds are singing and when I walked through the local shopping street, all of a sudden tanktops and shorts are available for the window shoppers again.


But when I was training this morning through Berner Oberland the still present snow might make you think otherwise. So dependent on if the hillside is Northly located of Southsided the snow is either still present in multiple centimeters or there are small flowers already starting to appear in the gras. So strange to believe almost.


The fact that I still have some days of skiing ahead of me makes is almost a mental crossroad in which way I want the weather to head. On the one hand I still want to enjoy the snowed mountains as much as I can, on the other hand my mind is drifting towards barbequeing, river floating and bike rides again. You always want what is not there, right?

Why can't the Caribbean be located next to the Alps ;)

0.285 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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