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6 лет назад

The best of all worlds : Frikandellentosti

Some times you just come across fusion food that is actually a damn winning combination

Warning: Most likely only Dutchies will appreciate this


Meet: the Frikanndellen tosti

Fair enough, not a single healthy thing to be found in this cheat food, and also not really vegan approved I would say, but who cares. So what is it!

These are images or regular tostis found here and here. Basically said, toasted bread with ham an cheese inside of there. I can run on this stuff for days. Dipping it in mayonaise (yeah another Dutchy 101) or in curryketchup makes this already a prefect vesselclogger.

But recently I was at a place in Holland where they decided to sell these babies. The Frikandellen tosti. So a frikandel is basicly a deepfried stick of undefined meat, often drowned in mayonaise, curryketchup and onions on it. Now some genius was putting these fried frikandellen together it all the sauce in a toaster. I guess there is a heaven

It aint always about fine dining, fine wine and quality of life. Just quality of life with greasy food is just as good!

0.418 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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