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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

The Yeti Returns

No, this is not a bad story about some midieval creature haunting the mean streets of Luzern. This is about how currently every single soul in (East) Switzerland and Austria is walking around.


The small ice age has arrived in these years of low solar activity leading the idea of global warming towards the background (wait we just had the most endless summer in years right?? ) and seeing the shifting of cold peaks towards different areas as an example South Italy where it is currently -4 and in general nobody even has heater inside because it is NEVER cold there. Theories theories, we all have them. Well, fact is...this is my first winter here in the mountains so I have absolutely no idea what is normal in these areas, so I will come back with my opinion about this in a couple of years. Back to it:

Snowy hair don't care!

Snow has arrived again and I LOVE it! Unfortunately I am kind of bound to a small range of being outdoors due to work reasons, but it doesn't mean I can't check out the city and turn into a small popcycle here


Because it is as always so pretty and the sounds outside were so muffled by the falling gold. Every branch of a tree, every leaf all of a sudden has it's own story to tell, because they became a personality in this whole winter wonderland. I get what you are thinking now 'Djeez, this snow is making Karin go mad', but in fact it is the opposite. It is so refreshing to be outside in this.

Here is some beautiful tunes that fit the weather perfectly

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На Golos с May 2018
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