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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Waiting on Appics signup

Today is one of those days that I intentionally had in mind just to post a picture and nothing else. And what better to do that with than with Appics the newest blockchain-like Instagram which should be hot I had to believe Steemfest last year.

Well the thing is...I don't have the app as yet. And then when you aren't an influencer or a teammember you still need to be approved over a signup form. It's okay, it is stuff in the making! (I really don't like forms though!) You can find how to signed up in this post here.I am curious if this will start to work in 24 hours

I do believe that stuff like Appics can get crazy big. You already see facebook get taken over by instagram and there is just a gigantic market for these kinds of things. Lets just hope that Appics will stay on the Steem blockhain for the future, and we will see where it will lead to!


Ow yeah! I was posting a picture right? Yeah no need to write a story on this one, because this picture says it all if you ask me ;)

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