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4 года назад

WLF tokens start IEO on P2PB2B and Coinsbit Exchange

Wolfs Group performs its functions as a provider of business consultants and investment platforms.Basically wolfs is a investment also advisory enterprise which utilizes a model combining private equity and risk capital . They are active on the capital marketplace more than 20 years and have been investing in small and medium-sized companies for last 8 years.

Wolfs Group is not a newbie project , they are established group of companies and wolfs are listed on the capital market also licensed by local regulators in Estonia.Wolfs Group OÜ is Estonian oriented project. They have three main areas of activity are real estate (Wolfs Development is responsible for it), innovative technologies (Wolfs FPE) and financial technologies (Ferpay Ltd.). Recently, the organization announced the IEO of its WLF token (standard - ERC-20) on the Coinsbit cryptocurrency exchange.

Wolfs Group Token
Wolfs Group OÜ have there own native token named (WLF) , WLF is based on ERC20 standard Ethereum blockchain token
Wolfs Group start there IEO on P2PB2B Exchange. You can check it here https://p2pb2b.io/token-sale/WLF/1

P2PB2B is one of the world’s biggest global exchange,You can participate WLF tokens IEO here https://p2pb2b.io/token-sale/WLF/1

WOLFS Group start there 2nd round IEO's on Coinsbit exchange from 17/01/20-21/01/20 Remember that WOLFS First round of IEO successfully completed on Coinsbit exchange and good news is that WOLFS project reached there Softcap successfully.
WLF IEO information :
wlf Price per token 0.25USD
Total Token Amount 3200000WLF
Softcap = 300000.00USD
Hardcap = 800000.00USD
Minimum investment = 200WLF
Maximum investment = 3200000WLF
Discount 20%

Cryptototem platform evaluated Wolfs Group project and they rated Wolfs Group project
at 8.5 / 10 https://cryptototem.com/wolfs-group-wlf/

Road map

The project plans to develop according to the roadmap. In 2020:

● in April, the first fundraising from Wolfs Group OÜ will be completed;
● in May, the Crypto currency exchange and FIAT Ferpay will open;
● Ferpay's design will be updated in June;
● in August, the introduction of prepaid multicurrency cards will occur;
● in September, the Ferpay app for iOS and Android will appear;
● in October, project marketing will improve;
● in November, the platform integrates with banks through the Open API;
● at the end of the year, reinvestment of WLF tokens will occur.

WLF token has many advantages and benefits for token holders because it uses blockchain technology and virtual currency cryptocurrency I believe that the Wolfs project have good future,be part of this excellent project. This project team is very active and they work hard and hope this project will going to moon soon. for more information

Useful project links:
Official website: https://wolfs.group
Telegram: https://t.me/wolfsgroup
Medium: https://t.me/wolfsgroup
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/GroupWolfs
White Paper (WhitePaper): https://wolfs.group/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Whitepaper-Wolfs-Group-OU_EN.pdf
IEO: https://p2pb2b.io/token-sale/WLF/1

#Proof Authentification
Bitcointalk username: Jareinjj
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2535384

Reference/source of information

  1. https://wolfs.group

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. THIS ARTICLE IS FOR INFORMATION BASIS ,I DONT SUGGET ANY BUY ,SELL.

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