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5 лет назад

CBNT - Create Breaking News Together

CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content). CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content/articles providers, content readers (viewer), ad publishers, and token holders.

CBNT which aims to become a decentralized content delivery platform that will help content creators and customers to interact directly, solve piracy, copyright and revenue issues that are apparent on the current content market. CBNT will build a content exchange platform based on the blockchain, smart contract, and distributed storage system. The token, will store user information and content transactions in a distributed manner. They'll use Proof of Copyright algorithm to secure their block, and in return will reward people who exchange blocks that contribute to the encryption of content exchange which in return will ensure the conservation and development of a transparent content market. Whether you are producing content, liking or sharing, this is all considered mining CBNT tokens. 100% benefits will be shared with all CBNT holders! Wow isn't that interesting!

A new model of CBNT token you can see here which combines everything including content, users, creators, investors. Its just like one stop shop for all.

The people who create content — video artists, writers, graphic designers and so on — are responsible for the main reason many of us visit the internet at all. They’re a crucial part of the web, but they aren’t rewarded nearly well enough for their efforts.

That’s an issue for all sorts of reasons, and it’s frustrating for the people, who see a real market for their content but struggle to make a living from it. For example, people watch a billion hours of YouTube every day — and yet most YouTubers don’t make good money from their videos.

The good news is that could be about to change, with the help of budding technologies like blockchain.

CBNT, being built as a token economic system will fully comply with the rules of the free market economy. Anyone who has contributed to others can take financial benefits and solve the following problems facing traditional ecosystems for Internet content.

  • Reducing the quality of content through economic attention.
  • Content makers spend time creating content and adding value to the platform as they turn their work towards a platform profit model.
  • Content viewers and communicators cannot share the financial value generated by content.

CBNT will reward high-quality content creators with more tokens so more people start creating unique and valuable contents that will ultimately drive traffic to the network. Steemit has a same kind of idea but on steemit there is no any kind of rule to reward high-quality content creator the most. High-quality content creators will generate huge amount of traffic that will generate ads value. Content creators will also experience additional benefits like paid readings, paid sharing and paid questions and answer sessions. CBNT token advertisement system will be transparent to all users to protect peoples who are holding the tokes and advertisers will be allowed to buy ads with BTC, ETH and through other digital currencies.

In the start home page of authors will be open for advertising and revenue generated from that will be split between authors and its followers. Content creators will be awarded the most and all followers must to have to pass KCY to ensure high quality users. Spam free system will enable advertisers to take decision about buying ads and increase ROI. Advertisement revenue generated will be shared between all token holders by taking hourly snapshot. CNBT personal team and other thirty party users will be allowed to vote and become part of improved advertisement system.

The nature of the platform will encourage contributors in a various way. If you're a token holder, you'll be able to have advanced purchase rights for content that is exclusively released on the platform. The fees from your purchase will be given to the creators, and data security contributors as their benefits. Because of this, as users or buyers, you'll help creators to gain revenue not only by purchasing their content but also from the fees that you pay to the network for every transaction that you did.

If you exchange a content or buy it from initial offering, there will be a proof of ownership that will be put into a block and stored in CBNT when the exchange takes place. If the encryption key of the content on the blockchain matches your key, you'll be able to use the content. If you don't have the key that matches the proof of ownership, you won't be able to access it. Every required information will be handled by a smart contract.

Features of CBNT Platform

  • Content Creation

Content creators will be rewarded tokens if readers like their valuable content. the higher the content ranks, the more tokens the creators will get.

  • Content Communication

Viewers can vote on and share high-quality articles, and the benefits of these articles will be distributed based on the user's contribution weights.

  • Paid Q&A

High-value information equals opportunity in the business world. Sharing valuable information to questioners can bring you more benefits.

  • Ads Monetization

Change the traditional advertising model. The advertiser pays tokens to publish ads, and the advertising fees will be distributed based on fan's contributions.

CBNT Mining System

Every data CBNT token as a mining reward will be distributed between community members at a specific time. The reward distribution will be like this; 45% to content creators, 45% to readers who are liking, sharing or commenting and remaining 10% will be awarded to token holders. Each user will have its own value based on its engagement, the higher the user value the higher mining reward he will get. Users will be encouraged to promote only high quality contents, the sooner they like and share that content the higher reward they will get.

Why choose CBNT Platform?

  • Promotion of rights of content creators
  • Providing fair compensation to creators
  • Enhancing transparency
  • Along with achieving transparency and fair compensation to users
  • CBNT also motivates exchange of contents.
  • Participants holding CBNT will also have advance purchase rights, thus opening the doors to advance purchase content. So more CBNT you HODL more you will be benefited

CBNT Token

As CBNT is a proof of platform ecosystem, CBNT token holders can enjoy rights on the platform, like revenue sharing, supervision, voting etc. The total supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be overissued. There are two ways to obtain CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to trade from the exchange.

CBNT will issue tokens that represent rights to the platform. CBNT will focus on blockchain information and financial and investment fields which are also closely related to the economic system of tokens. Content generators, observers and communicators can mine CBNT tokens by posting content, parts, comments and likes, etc. on the CBNT platform.

Token Details

  • Token Symbol : CBNT
  • Total Supply : 10 Billion
  • Token Type : ERC20

Token Distribution

Road Map


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.cbnt.io / https://web.cbnt.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.cbnt.io/whiteBook1.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4906256
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbntofficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CbntOfficial/
Telegram: https://twitter.com/CbntOfficial/
Medium: https://medium.com/@cbntofficial
Steemit: https://istemit.com/@cbntofficial
Bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4963233

Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143

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