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5 лет назад

VIAZ - First Major Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Funding Platform on Tezos

Blockchain lending essentially builds on the timeless peer-to-peer model, making the entire process more seamless and reducing the amount of time the process takes. The middleman (a bank) is cast aside, and individual borrowers or businesses are connected directly to willing lenders. The great value of such decentralized lending is that with a single request, a borrower can access very competitive financing, as geography being no constraint on a blockchain platform, lenders from all over the world can bid to provide the loan.

Thanks to smart contracts, lenders are able to validate transactions, verify the legitimacy of counterparties, and perform routine account administration tasks almost momentarily, reducing costs and accelerating the process.

VIAZ is a decentralized application (“DAPP”) bridging the gap between lenders and borrowers of fiat and digital currencies. VIAZ is the first of its kind of platform to link lenders & borrowers in a secured decentralized space, the core purpose of this creation is to eradicate challenges & fraud cases suffered by those in need of loans & those willing to give out a loan. The VIAZ Platform will provide a more efficient, cost effective and secure service for all users.

VIAZ will employ VIAZ Smart Contracts for transactions initiated on the
VIAZ Platform. Just as similarities and differences exist between digital and fiat currency, a
closer examination of VIAZ compared to the traditional banking system reveals both converging and diverging characteristics. A notable similarity is that the VIAZ Platform, by putting potential
borrowers in direct contact with potential lenders, empowers users to borrow, lend, and transfer
currencies throughout a global network.

Unlike banks, the VIAZ Platform will provide a more efficient, cost effective and secure service for all users. The first DAPP to run on the Tezos blockchain, a self-amending crypto-ledger, the VIAZ Platform has inherent advantages when compared to other competitors in the bazaar.

In addition, the money in the banks of the users is not in any way secure. In case of bankruptcy, investors or users cannot collect these funds. Users are not given credit to users from any bank at any time to ask for a loan. Because of the banking transactions and transaction costs that have lasted for several days, customers are spoiled.

Features of the Platform

  • Accessibility

The step by step exercises of the Viaz arrange are progressively open stood out from the standard advancing systems, as its features are immaculate with IOS and Android working structures. Thus, customers can use the Viaz adaptable application from their devices complimentary.

  • Secure & Obscurity

The Viaz arrange takes a shot at the Tezos blockchain sort out that is financially secure, as it records all of the trades on its record that isn't alterable or open by pariahs. Basically, Viaz outfits customers with an advanced cash and fiat wallet that makes it functional for them to securely store their advantages, manage their portfolios, and trade saves.

  • Low Cost Banking

Appeared differently in relation to the present advancing systems and foundations, Viaz will be more affordable as borrowers won't have to cover administrative costs on the got money.

  • Minimal Risks

For borrowers to post credit request on Viaz, they should promise a particular proportion of protection. This shields the moneylenders from the risk of losing their money if they default.

  • Zero on boarding Fees

Customers are not required to pay any join, month to month or upkeep charges to Viaz. The stage will deliver pay for itself by deducting a little rate from the energy on all credit repayments.

How the Platform Works

Viaz looks to urge its record holders to get fiat or crypto through utilizing their tokens as guarantee. At first, Viaz tokens and Tezzies ("XTZ"), the local token of Tezos, will be the main acknowledged security. Later on, Bitcoin and different altcoins will be added to the stage.

When a borrower posts an advance, a shrewd contract is made by the stage and the credit is recorded on the Tezos blockchain record. Loan specialists will at that point get the opportunity to offer on the distinctive financing openings relying upon the financing costs. In situations where the moneylender needs to finance the advance at higher loan costs, they can do as such and acquire higher loan costs. The credit reimbursement by the borrower will be through the Tokens of the Viaz stage.

Viaz naturally issues clients with a fiat and crypto wallet once they join on the stage. Through the wallet, clients could deal with their portfolio and exchange assets on or off the Viaz decentralized stage.

Why choose Viaz?

Viaz Working Principle

The smart contract to be created between the borrower and the issuer includes payment items and conditions. The lender shall sign the smart contract with the digital signature and forward it to the other party. If the borrower fits the terms of the contract, he / she signs the contract. After this process, the Viaz protocol checks the collateral amount of the borrower. If the amount of collateral appears to be appropriate, the lender will be transferred to the borrower.

On the Viaz platform where transactions take place very quickly, the problem of trust between the lenders and the borrowers is eliminated. When the smart contract is signed between the users, the debtor's guarantee is taken into the escrow contract. If the borrower cannot pay the debt or fails to meet the required conditions, the tokens held in this escrow contract are sent to the other party. In this model, where users do not need a third party in any way, banks and states are eliminated.

Token Details

  • Token Name: VIAZ
  • Ticker: VIAZ
  • Price: $0.0652c
  • Network: TEZOS Compliant
  • Type: Utility Token
  • Total Supply: 1.5 BILLION VIAZ
  • Soft Cap: $5,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $30,000,000
  • KYC: Mandatory
  • Accepted Cryptocurrency: BITCOIN, TEZOS & ETHEREUM

Token Distribution

  • Founders: 5%
  • Bounty/Marketing: 5%
  • Team: 15%
  • Private Sale: 15%
  • Early Contributors: 25%
  • Public Sale: 35%

Road Map


For more information, please visit:

Website : https://viaz.io/
Whitepaper: https://viaz.io/documents/Viaz-Whitepaper_EN.pdf
ANN Thread://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5090552.0
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ViazOfficial
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/viazofficial
Medium: https://medium.com/@ViazOfficial
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ViazOfficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0T2NqXgg8Tki9s0Osi2E3w

Bounty0x username: JigaMola
Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143

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