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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

P2Ps - Monetary Value Integrated into Secure Communications framework


What is P2Ps?

P2PS is an Ethereum crypto token that conforms to and incorporates ERC20, that the facto standard and famous token stage for advanced resource token on the safe blockchain. It is a door to different exchange on the decentralized, secure, and impedance free distributed correspondence framework stage utilized as a part of government and safeguard, computerized instruction and conveyance, restorative and pharma, keeping money and fund, and other corporate segments. It replaces the conventional permit and exchange charges paid by specialist co-ops and in addition end client on different shared system and internet business stage. The P2PS crypto-token was created by the P2PS Solution establishment Team.


P2PS Solution establishment appreciates a common mission with ELI and ISI being focused on effectively and consistently convey world-class, high caliber, remarkable items, applications, and administrations to its customer and no more practical and sensible costs. Together, we suspect gathering client expectations by understanding customer necessity, keeping pace with the most recent developments through research, and connecting with and maintainable accepted procedures.


February 16, 2010
-Joining of Innovative Solutions International.
-Imaginative Solutions International Inc. was fused first as LLC and along these lines as a Corporation.

Walk 1, 2010
-Push System Platform
-Secure, obstruction free, push framework stage advancement began in mid 2010.

January 1, 2014
-Broad R&D
-After consummation of the completely practical framework, broad Research and Development was directed – Government, Banking, Education, and so on – mid 2014 and late 2017.

September 1, 2017
-P2P Solutions Foundation
-Plans for P2P Solutions Foundation were settled with the objective of incorporating the completely useful, prepared to-advertise, secure, obstruction free, interchanges framework stage with the Blockchain.

December 15, 2017
-Beginning of ICO Phase 1

February 28, 2018
-End of ICO Phase 1

April 2, 2018
-Beginning of ICO Phase 2

May 31, 2018
-End of ICO Phase 2

May 31, 2018
-Blockchain Integration Starts

December 31, 2018
-Supplant Licenses With Tokens

Walk 31, 2019
-Progress All Users to Blockchain


Anything that you trade carefully with anybody, anyplace, isn't private by any security norms; including data traded on your purported "private" intranet corporate systems.

The reason for our ICO is to present to you a framework through which you can trade private advanced resources or records with definitely no impedance from any outsider, not by any means a chairman.

P2PS is the world's first blockchain-fueled, secure, unadulterated shared, impedance free, advanced correspondences stage intended for everybody with a need to safely store and trade computerized information, for example, private information, therapeutic records, keeping money information and government ordered information, among other delicate computerized trades. Such stages today are basically nonexistent.

The P2PS crypto-token is intended to be utilized by individuals inside the P2PS stage. It fundamentally aids exchanges on the decentralized, secure and impedance free, Peer-to-Peer Communication System stages utilized as a part of Government and Defense, Digital Education and Delivery, Medical and Pharma, Banking and Finance, and other corporate divisions.

Since P2PS token is an ERC20 crypto-token and brilliant contract framework based on the Ethereum blockchain it is effectively transferable amongst clients and stages utilizing ERC20-perfect wallets and is easily coordinated into trades.


-DAVID DRAKE: Advisor and Director on the Advisory Board.
-KEN TACHIBANA(日本人): Technical and Finance Specialist PLUS Advisor on Advisory Board.
-IAN SCARFFE: Blockchain – Business Ambassador/Consultant/Strategist + ICO Advisor
-MIKE SHOKIN: Chartered Financial Analyst. Guide on Advisory Board.
-SEAN BRIZENDINE: Blockchain Specialist PLUS Advisor on the Advisory Board.
-DENNIS O'NEILL: Advisor on Advisory Board.
-KENNETH A. GOODWIN JR.: Advisor on Advisory Board.
-VLADIMIR NIKITIN: Advisor on Advisory Board.
-JAMEEL A. SHARIFF: Chief Executive Officer and Council Member
-DR. WALEED ALORINY: Chief Operating Officer and Council Member.
-SEAN KIRTZ: Fintech Solution Architect and Marketing Specialist.
-AMOS HENRY JR.: Chief Business Development Officer and Council Member.
-BEN M. SEGER: Chief Technology Officer.
-JATINDER KUMAR: Marketing Manager
-A. MANIKFAN: Project Manager.
-SHINO THOMAS: Project Engineer.


The P2PS tokens can be obtained amid ICO straightforwardly from P2P Solutions Foundation.After getting the P2PS tokens, you can store them into an ERC20 standard token wallet, for example, MyEtherWallet, Meta Mask, Mist, Parity, Imtoken, and so on. One of the numerous reasons you might need to get and hold the P2PS tokens is for use on the safe distributed restrictive system stages other than to exchange on crypto-trades.

Website: https://www.p2psf.org/
Whitepaper: https://www.p2psf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/P2PS_Whitepaper_V1.1_English.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2419138
Twitter: https://twitter.com/p2psf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FK00U0bfzHmFy0XODee9vg
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/P2P-Solutions-Foundation-1953510414915812/

Authored by: JPNL0008
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2028287
ETH address: 0xdA6565D68f97fC42fe7A6af543907778A829b23E

0.725 GOLOS
На Golos с April 2018
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