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4 года назад

Interesting characteristics about ARCS



Today, allow me to take my blog readers on a journey to familiarize themselves with them about innovative, revolutionary architecture and technology savvy in the blockchain space creating new dynamism in the ecosystem. The blockchain is called ARCS
First, let me refresh your memories that the growing blockchain technology is constantly looking for key answers to make their infrastructure and technological steps progressively more quantitative and efficient. More importantly, the belief is that ARCS holds the key to achieving this important goal.
Clearly, the scale of blockchain technology allows a range of attractive and powerful decentralized applications to be secure, so ARCS includes security, economic and solution-oriented blockchains that allow people trustworthy users to empower the privacy of personal information to third parties

About ARCS Chain Ecosystem

ARCS Chain is powered on ARCS token which is the native currency of the platform .ARC token serve utility purpose in the platform , it can be used for buying and selling data within the platform .ARCS token is available in KUCOIN cryptocurrency exchange for investors or traders willing to invest and trade on it .ARCS Chain ecosystem ensures users enjoy self sovereign identities and enjoy fairer distribution in the profits generated from personal data. In a bid to protect the value of ARCS token, the team will set up new ARC Foundation in which 50% of the total issued Arcs will be locked as as foundation assets.ARCS Chain is a long term Blockchain
project which sees their investors and users satisfaction as a top priority.ARCS Chain ecosystem will develop a their party system in which assets can be efficiently utilized for the society .
Currently ARCS token is based on Ethereum network though in the future the team planned to have operate independent and highly scalable blockchain system in which ARCS will be re-issued.In the future ARCS also planned to issue a security token which will grant holders shareholding right and meet up with the regulatory standards.

ARCS Chain platform ensures all users that register on the platform receives ARCS token as rewards for registering their personal data voluntarily on the platform and opening access for their data to be used. ARCS Chain allow users and companies to use Web platform application for transacting .Meanwhile, either users or companies will not be obliged to pay transaction fees. ARCS Chain is a public blockchain with 100% decentralization , manipulations on this platform will be highly impossible as data and transaction is clearly transparent to the public..Data owners have complete access and control over their data in the ecosystem . ARCS Chain will release PoC product which will cosist of test of identity and verifiable claims with (DIDS)Decentralized Identifiers,the information management system for the Data Banks and users , the security features and data association outside data banks.


About AIre

Alre was created with the goal of becoming a data bank. Users of the platform will benefit in return for agreeing to provide personal information to businesses or organizations within the network. On the business side, the benefit for them is a source of user data that has been screened and tested with high quality.

The ARCS platform has 3 main parts

Receive information.

Users provide personal information such as gender, health status, residence, social networks ... ARX will then give a reward to the user.

Save the information.

The information provided will then be stored on the blockchain. The blockchain platform, thanks to its superior technology and distributed characteristics, cannot be stolen or modified.

Information extraction

Businesses or organizations will work with Alre to get APIs to access the database. In addition, they can also choose to buy once off.

In the Alre platform, ARX acts as a coin and users will receive an amount of ARX tokens based on the personal data provided. Businesses use ARX tokens to buy data on Alre. Businesses will then process this data according to their needs and offer services to users in the ARCS platform to receive ARX tokens. The Alre project will charge an intermediary fee through ARX when companies buy data from the Alre platform.

The mechanism of action of the ARCS chain:

The ARCS chain has been developed as a public blockchain. Therefore, since anyone can view data on the blockchain, any fraudulent behavior can be detected immediately.
IFA succeeded in developing the prototype of the ARCS chain and concluded the technology verifications of 1, 2, 5a and 5b using the prototypes.
Transactions submitted by users and companies will also be signed by IFA. Therefore, since users will not be dealing directly with the blockchain, they do not need to worry about transaction fees and latency.

Should we invest in ARCS (ARX)?

I believe that you also have the basic and necessary information about ARCS (ARX), right, this is a coin with very high liquidity on the Kucoin exchange and you can also earn ARX by providing authentic personal data for profit. Holding ARX is also very beneficial because the price is getting higher and higher and certainly in the future will x10 times the current price

Advantages of ARCS (ARX).

The project has built a complete model of how components will interact and generate revenue to attract users to the platform.
Based in Japan, the country is quite open for blockchain development.
Based on the Ethereum blockchain, the second-largest blockchain platform behind Bitcoin, will save development time, and also benefit from a large number of users.
Advancing mechanisms help secure as well as help users generate income from personal information.
Addressing the current data throbbing problem of many traditional platforms.
Highly appreciated and listed by Kucoin, the exchange has a high ranking on Coinmarketcap.

ARCS development team (ARX).

CEO Masashi Mizukura - Graduated from Chuo Law University. He has extensive experience in managing insurance units, he sees a need for a transparent financial platform and respect for users. As CEO, he aims to create a new generation bank.

COO Kunihiro Katsuragi - When he was in college, he soon realized the potential of blockchain and focused his research to gain a deep understanding of this field. With experience working in Europe, he joined Alre to create a product that solves the problems of today's financial and social networks.

CFO Hiroshi Mizukura - He has extensive experience in the fields of hotel and financial retail. Hiroshi has received many nominations as well as appreciation by industry experts.

Conclude :

The project is deploying the latest technology to meet the needs of large companies. In the future, ARCS will become the world's largest data bank with excellent and transparent features.

For more information, please visit the link below:
★ WEBSITE: https://www.arcs-chain.com/

★ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ARCS_ARX

★ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ARCS_ARX_EN

★ MEDIUM: https://medium.com/arcs-arx-official

★ WHITEPAPER: https://www.arcs-chain.com/whitepaper_en.pdf?v=20191122b
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