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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


To join the project, your OZCAR must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Content creation is the way toward producing point thoughts that intrigue to your purchaser persona, making composed or visual substance around those thoughts, and making that data open to your crowd as a blog, video, infographic, or other configuration. Web-based social networking are intelligent PC interceded innovations that encourage the creation or sharing of data, thoughts, vocation interests and different types of articulation by means of virtual networks and systems. The assortment of remain solitary and implicit online networking administrations as of now accessible presents difficulties of definition; be that as it may, there are some normal highlights.

As per a report over half populace of the planet is dynamic via web-based networking media which is prompting increment in online life notice and promoting. The income created from online networking versatile commercial will rise upto 21 billion USD in 2020. Over 87% sponsors are doing online life advertising to get traffic for improving deals, creating leads, producing potential clients and fans. While 55% advertisers simply need to build brand presentation and validity. The principle point of Ozcar is to target both online life systems administration and promotion market to give one stop answer for its
network individuals.

Ozcar is a decentralized long range informal communication stage that is putting clients security and fulfillment as its first need. It is an imaginative methodology towards straightforward and autonomous methods for client information proprietorship, award on advertisements and liberated from discourse. It is the first get paid to content creation and sharing environment that utilized OCR token installments for its prize framework.

Ozcar is utilizing blockchain innovation to manage clients and substance makers enlistment, escrow framework, quick exchange, adaptation of commitment, programmed assortment and dissemination of OCR reward. Ozcar plans to get to the 3.26 billion dynamic internet based life clients on cell phones whose yearly advanced development rate is over 10%.

Our vision is to turn into the main long range interpersonal communication stage for content producers, influencers, promoters, advertisers and dynamic clients. Through blockchain innovation and tokenized economy, we need to take out the obstruction of outsiders and brought together specialists which will bring about low exchange and administration charge. The prize framework alongside tipping society won't just increment client association yet additionally decrease the danger of extortion and phony likes on low quality substance.

The essential objective market for Ozcar is dynamic online life clients, master advertisers, sponsors and imaginative substance creators. These individuals make a major level of web-based social networking traffic and consistently look for advance highlights with low charges and extra rewards. Along these lines, Ozcar group needs to utilize their movement as an open door for the selection of its foundation. Ozcar auxiliary objective market is promoting, media, PR and publicizing stages, looking for a protected, straightforward and confided in stage to distribute the substance of their Clients. They will get extra help with positioning information of substance producers.

Joined Benefit Ozcar
1. We have a differing group having market associations both with blockchain and online life industry.

2. Our mechanical viewpoint is very solid with 3 items in line for example Ozcar Messenger, Ozcar App and Ozcar Exchange.

3. We are attempting to make an environment with valuable highlights for example Android advertisement iOS versatile wallet and escrow framework in messenger, compensating framework in portable application and neighborhood cash purchasing choice with multilingual help in Exchange.

4. We are offering low exchange and escrow exchanging expenses with straightforward the utilization instance of OCR.

5. We are giving all day, every day support, uncommon premium bundles, and high security.

6. For reasonable managing among clients, Ozcar has presented escrow highlight in the messenger which will diminish extortion dangers. Assets will be discharged after appropriate understanding between two gatherings and every exchange record will be kept on the stage

7. Ozcar is giving improve trade benefits straightforward UI. Trade will legitimately get pull back and store demands through Ozcar delegate and Ozcar application.

On Ozcar Messenger, every escrow exchange is straightforward uncovering date of understanding, measure of assets moves and status of assets. To safe Ozcar messenger clients safe from cheats 1% escrow expense will be shared 50-50 percent between both sender and beneficiary. When the request is finished and the two gatherings get fulfilled, the chose sum will be discharged and included into merchant or substance maker account as OCR tokens.

The positioning or trust status will assist the clients with finalizing an arrangement. If there should be an occurrence of a contention, any gathering engaged with the understanding can demand for question goals. Ozcar stage will choose a jury from confided in clients and Ozcar organization to settle on a choice as indicated by terms and states of the understanding.

OCR is an ERC-20 good token which is created by utilizing the most recent pragma rendition 0.5.12. It tends to be utilized on the Ozcar stage to pay exchange expense and substance makers alongside remunerating clients based on their action and commitment

What crytyptocurrency would i be able to utilize buy

Btc, Eth, LTC, XRP, XLM, BCH, USDT, TRX and Dash will be acknowledged alongside USD. After sign up enter your getting ERC 20 wallet address, clear kyc and spot request to get OCR. OCR tokens will be moved inside 24 hours after you clear the installment to the given wallet address. In the event of missing kyc archives or accepting ERC20 wallet address subtleties, Ozcar group will give you some an opportunity to finish the data. Keep in mind, You can pull back the OCR tokens toward the finish of ICO. Ozcar group is as of now in contact with the rumored trades to list OCR token. Our token posting will begin in Q4 2020 phase however the trades name will be uncovered after the open deal.

Website : https://www.ozcar.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.ozcar.io/ozcarwp.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Ozcar-113684230075251/
Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/ozcar_official
Telegram : https://t.me/ozcar_official
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ozcar_official/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozcar/
Quora : https://www.quora.com/profile/Ozcar-1
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5228689.0 

Author :kemi123

Bitcointalk  :   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2692033

ETH : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

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