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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



SwapZilla is not just a website for trading cryptocurrencies, it is a revolutionary financial platform. This means that it is designed for the best possible implementation of customer orders.
We have created flexible tools that are suitable for all the needs and trading strategies of our clients.
We have several types of orders.
First of all, we have basic orders to purchase and sell at the current market price as well as the deferred orders.
Secondly, traders will be able to adjust the parameters of different orders:

  1. Order “put in a queue.” SwapZilla puts your application in the queue. When the queue comes up, it is executed at the price of the best counter order. If the order is not fully executed, it is placed back in the queue.
  2. Order “fill or kill” (FOK). The same as put in queue order, but the transaction is made either for the entire amount, or — if the order cannot be fulfilled it will be cancelled. Traders who work with the active strategies and place large sales orders usually use such orders.
  3. Order “immediately or reject” (IOC). The order is fulfilled fully or partially — at the price of the best counter order. The balance is removed from queue.
  4. Order “at one price”. The client’s order is executed, not at the best, but at the same price — it happens in several executions.
  5. Cascade Order — is needed when one needs to sell a large volume of cryptocurrencies. If one sells a large volume of assets on a single exchange, there is a risk that the deal will bring the prices down. In order to avoid depth of the market problem, the cascade (waterfall or advanced smart order) order is placed, which distributes over several exchanges over time in order to obtain the optimum price.
    With this idea, Swapzilla will be able to bring to the digital market greater liquidity, increased capitalization of assets and confident financing of many digital projects for development and development. The team is currently conducting an initial public offering of its tokens (IEO), which will last until January 1, 2020.

In conclusion, I will say that this platform, thanks to its versatility and simplicity, will be able to help many to earn on the digital asset market.
SwapZilla is a popular mass service that contains relevant and well-proven trading products, so the demand for the services of the project will be stable in any situation of crypto markets.
SwapZilla offers three main options: trading, information Analytics and passive income. And then it works as a modular system that the user configures according to their needs and interests. The riskiest will trade with the shoulder, the most cautious will collect a portfolio of crypto assets and will shift from one instrument to another, as investors of mutual funds with passive management are doing now.
The intrinsic value of toekn is provided by the owner's right to receive income from the platform, which is guaranteed by the smart contract.

The logic of crypto-bond
The logic of payments is arranged as follows. All revenues of the SwapZilla platform are distributed in a proportion: 70% - for current expenses and development of the project, 30% - is charged in real time to a special public purse. At the moment when the amount in this wallet exceeds 3 ETH, a smart contract is automatically triggered, which distributes the funds among all SWZL holders in proportion to the number of tokens owned by the investor.. Dividends are accrued continuously and are always publicly available for monitoring.

The IEO will run from July 15, 2019 to January 1, 2020. The price for one SWZL token will be equal to one USDT.

72% of the collected funds will be directed to working capital. Investors who bought SWZL will be able to receive returns from the first day after the completion of the IEO (02.01.2020). 72% of the collected funds will be non-depreciable collateral for the token value and will not be spent.
Margin trading and other services
Smart contract
The Commission and each
Swapzilla also provides useful tools for professional traders and beginners, showing the difference in asset prices on the exchanges, thereby conducting arbitrage operations and making a profit. Users will only have to go through a simple KYC procedure and enjoy even smaller commissions when trading, which are five times less than on others.

Each user personally adjusts the modules of the platform, choosing passive arbitrage or active trading. Token holders enter into a smart contract with the platform to receive 30% profit from its activities and this is quite a unique and profitable offer.

Comparing with the existing exchanges, we can say that Swapzilla primarily focuses on creating all possible and favorable conditions for profit to its users and plans to introduce for beginners the functions of repeating trading operations of professional successful traders. A more detailed comparison can be seen in this picture below.

With this idea Swapzilla will be able to bring to the digital market greater liquidity, increased capitalization of assets and confident financing of many digital projects for development and development. The team is currently conducting an initial placement of its tokens (IEO), which will last until January 1, 2020.

In conclusion, I will say that this platform, thanks to its versatility and simplicity, will be able to help many to earn on the digital asset market. Team members actively communicate with users in social networks and if you have any questions, then all the necessary links are left below:

SWZL owners will have an opportunity to get the share of the income of our trading platform. They will also be able to be the first to take an advantage of new tools and opportunities as they are introduced to the platform. The characteristics of our tokens make them very similar to bonds) — the holder will receive a stable income from SWZL (similar to coupon income) and in the future will be able to sell them on our site.

The total and final emission will be 30 million SWZL tokens.

IEO Structure
The offer. 27 150 000 SWZL tokens priced at 1 USDT/USDC for 1 SWZL. The ETH price will be set by Poloniex Exchange. The minimum transaction amount is $ 1, maximum — all the remaining tokens.
PROJECT WEBSITE: https://www.swapzilla.co/index.html

WHITE PAPER: https://www.swapzilla.co/WhitePaper-eng.pdf

CHAT IN TELEGRAM: https://t.me/SwapZilla

FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: https://www.facebook.com/SwapZilla-2335457683242053

TWITTER PAGE: https://twitter.com/stegos4privacy

Мед MEDIUM PROFILE: https://medium.com/@swapzilla

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