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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

ASOBI Block-chain Based Secondary Content Platform

ASOBI is a peer to peer distributed security content platform through which users will be able buy or resell their used digital contents for ASOBI coin. The ASOBI market will be secured with DSS technology so called decentralized security system. The market will contain digital items just like music, videos, comics, game items etc. ASOBI company is more than 15 year old and has good experience is game development and has more than 600 employees around the world.

ASOBI platform is designed to generate the value of digital contents on users market and give ownership of digital content back to its real owner. Today in the world, we have seen cases where singer’s music album was hacked before their launch to counter this problem ASOBI has created a platform that will protect user’s content. Their mission is to create a digital content market place where every digital content owner can be easily sell or buy content securely without third party involvement. Digital services present online does not give any license about reselling and protection of their content. Digital content market is growing rapidly and according to ASOBI research digital content market volume is 8.4 trillion yen.

Through ASOBI wallet users are allowed to directly buy or sell digital contents like e-book music, game items etc without the involvement of any third party. Publisher will store their own digital contents and user will be able to trade on those contents. By using smart contracts generated profit will be send back to its original owner so called rightful owner of the content. For example if you sell an e-book on their platform for $2 then seller will get $1, publisher will get $0.7 and author will get $0.30.

ASOBI and SWITEX had create a platform for direct trading of gaming items with other users and through publishers without the interruption of third party system. Their main objective is to provide transparent system for trading of digital assets and gives profit back to its real developer. They already have a millions of active users around the globe that will use their block-chain system for trading gaming items. They are planning to create block-chain based association with other countries such as Taiwan, China, and Korea.

DRM (Digital Right management) is not ready yet but still they will provide this technology to their users with the block-chain technology so they can easily secure their digital contents. For selling your digital contents you need to upload it on cloud server so you can easily sell them on distributed network. The gamers who want to use ASOBI coin in game will cost them $0.02$ per coin and their coin ICO price is 0.01$ so if you are interested then participate in their ICO.

 Token Symbol :  ABX
Token Type  :   ERC20
Token Price  : $0.01 

Team Members:

 Website : https://asobimo.io
Whitepaper : https://asobimo.io/pdf/white_paper_en.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AsobiCoin
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Asobi-Coin-130436194467568/ My Bitcointalk username : dylanarora789
My Bitcointalk Profile Link :

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На Golos с July 2018
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