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4 года назад

The reason you should choose the Hybrix project


Technology in the twenty-first century is developing at an incredible rate. Thanks to the achievements of science in the world, there are new types of high quality products and technologies that make our lives easier. It's hard to imagine that over the past century there is no Internet of everything, smart devices and smartphones. Today we cannot imagine our life without these things, because they give us so many opportunities. Many people have heard about the development of decentralized finance. This technology is very useful and gives mankind great opportunities. Recently, many applications in these fields are trying to bring inherited financial services and investment tools into the open trade world, along with innovating unique financial engineering tools see in history.
The companies that are innovating on blockchain technology are mushrooming and among them Hybrix is the most prominent, most developed company thanks to multi-chain trading technology and Cross-transaction. Below I will introduce the details of the project for you to understand more about it?

What is Hybrix ?
Hybrix is an Open Sources Blockchain Platform that is totally decentralized. Hybrix is an exceptionally comprehensive conveyed platform empowered to arrange and oversee digital types of significant worth exchange, resources move, and interlinking with other decentralized systems. It takes care of the present issue of a divided ecosystem of arrangements in digital record innovations and elective economies.


Currently Hybrix has a lot of remarkable and extraordinary blockchains with certain situations and agreement components that stand out, and moreover they have a range of blockchains and different types that are expected to be discharged in the future. nearest, the second, third, fourth or perhaps fifth major block chains, similar to how some platforms want to publicize themselves.

Every time we need to trade a coin on a specific blockchain with each other, we are limited to using intermediaries' contributions / costs / fees, which must first be killed from impending ranked as pointed out by the basic principles and ideas of blockchain innovation.

How the HYBRIX Platform works
The *Hybrix* platform uses a cross-chain to use the blockchain innovation system to fundamentally build an ecosystem in which customers can fully experience the freedom of exchange and thus can move both locations. digital or anywhere they have to go. Hybrix will essentially create a hyperlink to connect most of the innovation of the basic profile and thus will guarantee the client's assets and furthermore, at a time when it is impossible to distinguish visitor access. at the opportunity of general exchanges.

Furthermore, to implement this program, the Hybrix platform will build an essential token referred to as the HY token; be the pioneer of this effort.

The HY token will tie the entirety of the record innovations and therefore encourage interoperability between them by permitting an opportunity to execute on notwithstanding with any DLT. The token will perform on a second phase of token convention that permits you to fathom and execute units of records on an unmarried key record or in various expressions a few type of DLTs.

Hybrix solution

Hybrix solves this problem by creating a protocol that crosses the borders of digital ledgers, an innovative technology that enables freedom of transactions on 3 levels: a multi-ledger platform for developers; cross-chain swapping protocol for businesses; d’apps for consumers.

It is an inclusive, not-for-profit, open-source project that empowers collaboration, untethered from the limits of specific ledgers, to transfer value without any restriction. Users own their data with strict client-side functionality, making personal finance accessible and safe whilst staying free for everyone.

Instructions on how to create Hybrix wallet

Go to: http://wallet.hybrix.io

Generate a secure login
Click on create a new account and move your mouse or swipe your screen to create a very secure random account ID and password. Never use a wallet on public Wi-Fi.

Save your login in a secure place
You are responsible for storing your account login in a secure place. The wallet is big on privacy, so it is not storing any user data. Thus, your login credentials can’t be recovered.

Transfer your first crypto coins
To transfer your crypto coins to the wallet: go to Assets > Receive Transaction and copy the displayed address
A wallet will be available from any platform, whether it's Ledger or just an extension in Chrome, and, for those who use this wallet, their decentralized Hybrix exchange will be available, The main part will be this wallet. Among the interesting features, it is possible to create shared wallets with access for several people with different (multi-level) keys. In addition, it will be multiple currencies, with the ability to store multiple of your favorite currencies.

When I use the Hybrix wallet, the best thing about it is that it integrates all the latest features of this technology. Using smooth and smooth, beautiful interface and extremely sophisticated security system, it must be said that hackers will probably be afraid to crack this wallet password.

Hybrix listing on exchange Biki

The Hy listed on the Biki exchange is a notable thing as the exchange lists most potential projects and Hybrix is probably one of them. Looking at the pictures, we can see that the liquidity is very high. Prices are currently 3.5$ in line with market demand.

Hybrix listed on Biki - (https://www.biki.cc/en_US/trade/HY_USDT)

The collaboration with BiKi.com ensures that the Hybrix is introduced to a wider and more diverse audience. Until now, the project is mainly known among developers, where it has had more than 500 NPM downloads just over the past month. The step of partnering BiKi will serve to expand its audience as BiKi opens the gate to an Asian market, one where Hybrix has only taken small steps towards so far

Blockchain explorer
This is an open-source project utilizing Hybrix API to create a platform where uses can access and track all transactions for the most popular digital currencies. To carry out a search, you just need to choose a token and insert the address/ID of the transaction. The fully detailed results will be displayed on your screen, including transaction time, type, and amount of exchanged coin/cash.

Why do you need Hybrix?

Hybrix is proving difficult to have a borderless system. Many have tried to evolve, which makes the Hybrix platform the first multi-record token on the blockchain space, offering the opportunity to ensure that with the Hybrix protocol, (as the pinnacle), we there may be a borderless system that links many different types of blockchains and gives free access so that we can perform cross-chain resources.

Conclude :

Hybrix is the first project to open a new path for the blockchain industry, In the future Hybrix plans a lot for project development and most need enthusiastic support from the community. I am a reputable cryptocurrency investor and I have been investing in this project. Follow my latest posts to learn more about Hybrix

For more information about this project, please, visit:
Website: https://hybrix.io/
Whitepaper: https://hybrix.io/docs/papers
Telegram: https://t.me/hybrix_io
Discord: https://discord.gg/WbDfAWb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hybrix_io
Github: https://github.com/hybrix-io
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5230324.0
author : Lestmecheck
URL bct : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2781212
wallet Hybrix : 0xa90751f4621813830c0bf44832b0cda165ea6c14

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