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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Hello, for dear readers everywhere you are, this time I want to give an explanation of the trade in the blockchain world.

In this article, we discuss how blockchain is not just a technology that is the foundation of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Various blockchain uses in the business world have become increasingly known, from electronic contracts to bookkeeping and transborder transactions.

In various countries, the blockchain is increasingly gaining recognition by the government and business and professional world. Although the basic definition of a blockchain is a distributed technology with lanes (ledger) that allows transactions to be validated without using a central database, the blockchain in practice underlies fintech, healthteach, insurtech, legaltech, and so on.

Colletrix gives artists the ability to convert their IPs into digital assets, enabling them to better protect their IPs whenever a token is traded. Consumers can verify the authenticity of their collections through token information stored on the blockchain.

Colletrix supports teams from UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena, and Bitwork Accelerator. UNDONE will utilize blockchain technology for merchandise, Animoca Brands will introduce a broad network of IP and block chains and gamification technology, while Future Arena will use a strong IP sport and entertainment portfolio - all to create the creation of IP ecosystems, dynamic trading and physical trading using technology blockchain.

In the future, in addition to the IP-based business tokenization model, Colletrix will discuss market value re-evaluation using basic technology. By integrating digital assets and traditional goods, adding the value of digital assets beyond the value of the original collection will add to the value of a completely new commodity collection.

Through the Colletrix platform, we support to create new market value by integrating IP tokensization. By introducing NFT, we will launch an old economy and a new economy. Therefore, we will expand the opportunities for all IP owners and makers around the world to make permits on their IP6; and for traders, we will offer them new market value from their physical goods through blockchain use, maximizing the attractiveness and excellence of their products. The inclusion of the NFT will attract collectors, giving them easy access to the cryptocurrency market and opening new business opportunities, such as creating a franchise.

Initially, Colletrix will work with UNDONE, Animoca Brands, and Future Arena to develop a unique watch as a product and insert an NFC chip into the installation when working. Each of these NFC chips will contain a unique private key and other information to purchase the ERC-721 (NFT) token that fits on the platform. After the customer purchases a watch, he can use the NFC reader on his phone to download the watch and get the private key. He can then go to the platform to redeem the related NFT (given IP design) with the private key.

How it works


Colletrix envisions a world where new economies and old economies will be fully integrated to create new economic models that maximize benefits for all

Participants Starting with IP and the creative industry, we envision a revolutionary industry where IP owners will be able to maintain the license prize they are entitled to accept the application of blockchain technology.

Through the Platform, Colletrix strives to create new market value by integrating IP tokensization. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. Therefore, we will do so to extend the possibility for all IP owners and makers around the world to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for merchandisers, we will offer them new market value on their physical commodities through the application blockchain, maximizing the attractiveness and benefits of their products. Inclusion

NFT will create a dynamic interest in collectors while providing them with easy access to the crypto market, and leading to new business opportunities such as the creation of franchises. Colletrix will be one of the first to inspire mass transformation and world economic integration

Token Info
Colletrix will issue its own ecosystem token, Colletrix Token (CIPX). CIPX is a cryptocurrency that is supported by the Ethereum network with the ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all records related to CIPX can be seen using the Ethereum browser.

Token Name: Colletrix

Symbol: CIPX

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC721

The Team

Website: https://www.colletrix.com/#
Whitepaper: https://www.colletrix.com/Colletrix_whitepaper_20190430_1.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colletrix.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/colletrix
Telegram: https://t.me/colletrix


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