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5 лет назад



ELAD (Equity Ledger Assets Decentralized) is a decentralized blockchain that will transform investment strategies and the real estate market as we know it. Using blockchain technology, smart contracts Artificial Intelligence and innovation, the equity ladder of ELAD Network will create a crypto and real estate portfolio to combine the liquidity of the world’s biggest asset class with the velocity of the newest. A variety of real estate transactions will be traded through the ELAD network platform, from traditional buying and selling to crowdfunding multimillion dollar investments. ELAD will bring together P2P exchange and investment in one place, opening doors, cutting costs and lowering barriers for all.


ELAD Network is a Real Estate platform with a difference. By taking advantage of the power of fractional ownership any property can be divided into different sized blocks we can provide investment opportunities from £50 to £50,000 up to the value of the property. Anyone has the ability to purchase these blocks but there are only a limited number available for each property, once owned there will be a monthly return on the profit which is directly relational to the size of the block that you have invested in (fractional ownership).

_ELAD Network will combine Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence technology to create a Cryptocurrency and a Real Estate platform that will give everyone access to the liquidity of Real Estate, the world’s largest asset class. _

How The Online Platform Works

ELAD tokens can be used to participate in the exchange of real estate, or capital and returns earned on property.

Simply apply your ELAD tokens to your real estate of choice and receive profits from one of the top Cryptocurrencies. The platform will offer a wide range of opportunities, which will include investments for fractional ownership, crowd funding, p2p sales and lettings, buy to sell projects, new builds and real estate advertising.

The platform plans to offer global exposure to sellers and landlords of real estate, as well as vetted developers and companies that will be able to submit plans for future ventures to secure crowdfunding. By advertising for sales (local agents), lettings short (like Air BnB) and long (like Zoopla) creates access to pre-market opportunities and a rental client stream, simultaneously creating a demand for ELAD tokens, this will increase profitability and investment opportunities, cut costs and close the inefficient time wasting.

ELAD network will pave the way for the real estate industry to adopt the cryptocurrency class, as well as enable individuals to self-generate wealth in previously inaccessible markets.

Why Ethereum?

Ethereum’s open source project for smart contracts has set the industry standard, along with producing human readable wallet addresses and domain names on their blockchain (ELADCOIN.ETH).

Ethereum has held a strong position in the top ten market cap of Cryptos, the Ethereum eco system, community, team and previous teams have shown leading innovation and strong growth of infrastructure in the Cryptocurrency space.

ELAD Tech Ltd. will use previously tested and widely accepted smart contracts and code before applying it to any investments or advancements, all smart contracts will be independently audited by Castello and the results will be made public. Innovation and cooperation will insure the best infrastructure and developments can be utilized by ELAD Tech Ltd.

A Report By The UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

We know there will be challenges as Distributed Ledgers mature and disrupt how we think about and store data. The UK is in a unique position to explore those challenges and help maximise the benefits to our public services and our economy. We already have world-class digital capability, innovative financial services, a strong research community and growing private sector expertise. It is vital that our key assets – including the Alan Turing Institute, Open Data Institute and the Digital Catapult – work together with the private sector and with international partners to unlock the full potential of this technology. We are both, therefore, delighted to be jointly leading efforts in this area, and look forward to working with other departments on seizing the opportunity as well as understanding how its use can be implemented for the benefit of UK citizens and the economy. Algorithms that enable the creation of distributed ledgers are powerful, disruptive innovations that could transform the delivery of public and private services and enhance productivity through a wide range of applications.


Problem The revolution of crowdfunding has opened new doors for many. But still holds barriers to entry, because many companies only allow credited investors with a minimum net worth, which only allows people that already have access to real estate and investments to participate. The ability to exit an investment still provides problems for people invested in crowdfunded property’s and normally have no say in the future decisions made for the property. ELAD network solution Small size block investment lowers barriers, secondary markets and tokens allow easy exit of investments, voting through tokens allow you to have your say on property’s your invested in. The ELAD network platform offers many different options for crowdfunding. A fantastic feature of crowdfunding combined with smart contracts is that if the desired funds are not achieved, they can be instantaneously returned to investors. By bringing together individual investors with fully vetted real estate companies and developers, value creation will be maximised and the true potential of the property market can be realized.


The Auction process is part of our secondary market, its purpose is for control and freedom to sell your assets at any time, and to give others opportunity to participate in previously up and running investment properties with track records. All the properties are divided into blocks, you can sell your block at any time through auction, the system runs similar to ebay and is open for anyone to buy through the secondary market. Block pricing is set by our Cryptocurrency price at the start of the auction, Blocks may gain in price due to bidding, as 1 block price rises, all other blocks gain in value due to an immediate increase in the asset value.


ELAD Tech LTD will utilize government backed legal structures to protect investors and secure investments. We will abide by all applicable laws, legislation and regulations of every geographical site in which we operate and invest.

This infrastructure is designed to create a template for other promising geographical Crypto hot spots backed by governments. This also means we may use our liquidity to facilitate faster transaction processing than traditional online business accounts, which is crucial for the instant payments needed for smart contracts. ELAD Tech Ltd. business accounts will be used for purchases, payments and rental income.

The ELAD network platform will use a two-type authentication to protect investors, and the ELAD DAPP may require multi-signature for investment access. Our site will run on a monitored cloud instance with automatic data replication across geographical territories (data protection allowing) along with virtual layers to protect our hardware and keep threats and costs down.

ELAD Token Distribution Mint

  • 100,000,000 ELAD Tokens will minted on a fix supply, the reserve may be stored or burnt after Token sale which may alter the available supply.
  • A maximum of 15% of the total supply will be used as a long-term incentive, to ensure alignment of founder’s interests with investors, engage partners into the ELAD community and grow app loyalty.
  • 10% of ELAD tokens may be held in a reserve to provide immediate liquidity if ELAD tokens have high demand once listed on exchanged. Any unused tokens may be burned after 12 months or kept and locked for future growth.



Website => https://www.elad.network/index
Whitepaper => https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/elad-public/ELAD+Network+White+Paper.pdf
Facebook => https://www.facebook.com/Elad.Network/
Twitter => https://twitter.com/eladnetwork
Telegram => https://t.me/eladnetworkico
Medium => https://medium.com/@eladnetwork
Reddit => https://www.reddit.com/user/ELADNETWORK
Ann Thread => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5116618

Username => lani 123 lani
Profl Bitcointalk => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220105
ETH Address => 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

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