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5 лет назад

What is EtherZero(ETZ)

What is EtherZero(ETZ)?
EtherZero (ETZ) is another age of brilliant contract advancement stage propelled by a gathering of expert DAPP engineers to meet DAPP improvement. It is a hard forked undertaking dependent on Ethereum system. The Ethereum's conventional gas charge framework is relinquished by the EtherZero, which makes the exchange of every exchange, incorporating those in the savvy contract, costs 0 exchange expense. We imagine that lone 0 exchange charge of DAPP can really tumble to the ground and meet individuals' day by day use needs.

Etherzero has the following outstanding features:

. Happened at block 4936270
. Total supply is approximately 194 million ETZ
. Reserve 20 million ETZ for later development
. Every year, approximately 6 million ETZ increase
. Network start was january 2018

ETZ feature:

Compare the outstanding features of ETZ with other virtual currencies

. Offers a total of 194 million ETZ
. Trading time of 10 seconds
. Block size of 2MB
. Hardware extraction: GPU
. Instant payment: yes
. Master Node: support
. Replication (TPS): 10000+
. Smart contract: yes
ETZ development roadmap

The current EtherZero project development team has about 20 people from different countries with the idea of ​​creating a new master node system. The development team aims at the price of ETZ at 10% of the price of ETH in a short time. Besides, with the master node, ETZ will be able to attract more money into the project with the holding stake to activate the master node is 10,000 ETZ.

ETZ numbers will be distributed as follows: 45% for node masters, 45% for miners, 10% for self-governing communities.

. January 2016: Ethernet network is released for transaction fees.

. February 2016: ETZ will complete the release, increase transaction fees to combat DDOS

. March 2016: Mobile wallet and DAPP application store will be issued to create benefits for customers.

. End of Q1: Maternode will be tested successfully on Testnet.

. End of 2nd quarter: Maternode will be tested successfully on Mainnet, will execute transactions on real time, will trade larger than 10000TPS

. End of quarter 4–2018: Maternode optimized version will be complete, supporting tens of thousands of TPS.

. 4Q2019: Star’s DAPP application contests will launch long-term reward programs for developers and promote the community.

Befree– Team Leader
Rolong — Technical Director
Roger Luo — Development Director
Frank — Product Manager
Mia — Senior Overseas Marketing Specialist


Website: http://etherzero.org/

Whitepaper: https://www.etherzero.org/ETZ%20Whitepaper%20v2.0.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2607526.0

Twitter: https://twitter.com/etherzero_org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EtherZero-554760518194015/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCigdAIUQAHIdj-LnrTG1SVg?view_as=subscriber

Github: https://github.com/etherzero

Bitcointalk username: Lanrex
Bitcointalk Profile :

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