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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

AZBI Multichain system

Good afternoon, my dear crypto-enthusiasts, and today I want to tell you about the wonderful and promising AZBI and its advantages.

About AZBI

Azbi Network is a newly created multi-chain infrastructure network, a public system. It has its own support and EVM, which creates a scalable and open platform for third-party industry developers. Large-scale enterprise applications are possible with the AZBI network through the use of smart contracts. Key technologies highlighted by the Azbi network include its own multi-chain architecture that supports the EVM environment through POS-based consensus at several levels.

As several chains become more common, the storage capabilities and power of computers increase linearly. Azbi Network is the first blockchain to support EVM in a multi-level multi-chain structure. The multi-channel approach is much better than the previous child chaining method, which usually supports smart contracts and benefits thanks to the enhanced DApp support features.

Workings of AZBI Network Technology

AZBI Network is a newly created, infrastructure level, multiple chain, public system. It has native support and EVM, which creates platforms that can be scaled and open to third-party industry developers. Large-scale enterprise-level applications are made possible with the AZBI Network through the use of smart contracts. The core technology that underlines the AZBI Network includes many native chain architectures that support the EVM environment through a POS-based consensus at several layers.

As many chains become more prevalent, storage capacity and computer power increase linearly. AZBI Network is the first blockchain that will support EVM on a double-layered chain structure. The multi-chain approach is far superior to previous child-chain methods which generally support contracts and smart benefits with enhanced DApp support features.

AZBI growth can be seen in a horizontal context with the main and vertical chains acting like child chains; when one creates a new DApp, a child chain is created. This allows the main chain to execute requests followed by creating MP blocks. The new child chain generates the initial node into the MP block that contains the smart contract binary code. When AZBI receives a request on the network it is processed in the network through the next generation of child blocks, which are able to grow to the level needed in smart contracts that are executed. When Smart contracts upgraded to the latest block chain produced will bring binary code to the latest smart contracts.

Traditionally, a cross chain network requires the use of DApp supporting features, AZBI Network goes beyond this by using a multiple chain approach which makes the main chain and corresponding vertical chain to act like child chains. On the AZBI Network, a child chain is created when the vertical or main chain creates a new DApp, The Main chain generates a block MP containing the binary code smart contract which is then upgraded on the new chain to carry the binary codes on the new smart contract.

For the non-native tokens, the AZBI network creates smart contracts using tools to support ERC-20, tokens and similar protocols. The AZBI network toolkit will be used to invoke smart contracts on external blockchains through smart data analysis, issuing tokens that will follow Ethereum tokens protocols (ERC-20, ERC-721, etc), and similar chain token protocols.


Azbi Blockchain has innovated an independent smart contracts for non native token users through the cross chain calling. This smart contracts implements AZBI network tools in supporting the token usage LIKE ERC20 protocol and BCH. The original idea is that tools provided by Azbi network are implemented on other blockchains which ignited smart contracts on the network along with the tokens from other blockchains,the tokens are acquired through toolkit by smart data drive knowledge graph.
When AZBI token numbers reach convertible number to the off chain token , the tools will act and by transferring that number of tokens from the Azbi network and consuming the corresponding quantity of the platform tokens for the smart contract invocation .

Information Token

  • Ticker - AZBI
  • Token type - Ethereum
  • ICO Token Price - 1 AZBI = 0.000005 ETH
  • Fundraising Goal - 10 000 ETH
  • Available for Token Sale - 2 000 000 000 AZBI
  • Accepts - ETH


  • Public sale - 10.00%
  • Team - 25.00%
  • Private sale - 20.00%
  • Staking - 20.00%
  • Bounty and Airdrop - 5.00%
  • Platform development - 20.00%


August 2019
November 2019
Proposal draft and review
February 2020
AZBI Limited formation
March 2020
User base formation, advertising
April 2020
Staking rewards initialization
October 2020
AZBI Testnet bughunt (selected testers)
December 2020
AZBI Testnet bughunt (public)
February 2021
AZBI Testnet launch (staking activated)
May 2021
AZBI Mainnet bughunt (selected testers)
July 2021
AZBI Mainnet bughunt (public)
November 2021
AZBI Mainnet launch (staking activated)
February 2022
Community governance activation

Azbi Team

  1. Michael Wang - AZBI Founder
  2. Alina Ranta - Network Engineer
  3. Roberta Byrd - Senior Graphic Designer
  4. Miranda Weaver - Community Relations
  5. Mike Kim - Full Stack Engineer

For more information please visit:


Authors: Davitsvan

My altcoinstalks profile: https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?action=profile;area=statistics;u=41511

My ETH Address: 0x277183A0A28fc21C65118D46aaaaba904365cbE1

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