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5 лет назад

Canlead Platform — Sharing for the Smart Future

Good afternoon, my dear crypto-enthusiasts, and today I want to tell you about the wonderful and promising Canlead and its advantages.

What is the Canlead Platform?

Canlead is the latest design platform in the business world, with a variety of services provided from the Canlead platform ranging from recruitment, sales, and business development. Canlead also provides services where users can later use the Canlead platform with an online system that is more environmentally friendly and efficient in the business world to be able to share what you want.

Canlead tries to introduce a business sharing economy model in this industry. By implementing this business model, it allows participants to feel profitable and valued for their efforts.
The sharing economy has been implemented on many platforms, for example, Uber, Spotify, etc. According to the Statista source, many services have exploded the popularity of recent years with many expecting this trend to continue, with the total value of the global economy. dollars by 2025, from only 15 billion U.S. dollars in 2014.

Canlead is solving the following problems using the blockchain:

  • Tokenising opportunities based on the Canlead Opportunity Sharing Economy Model.
  • Canlead provide an opportunity for monetizing the social networks and reputation through sharing and earning.
  • There is reduction in complexity of payment, cross-border payment, billing and settlement.
  • Acces to higher quality of talents globally at lower cost.
  • Reducing opportunity wastage in a multi-billion dollars market.

Why Does Canlead Use The Blockchain?

  • The blockchain technology offers several real-world benefits and advantages.
  • The token connects opportunities with users and rewards successful referrals. Furthermore, the token unlocks all product features and services.
  • A decentralised and distributed ledger provides users with a safe and secure system, giving them the confidence that no business can change the system of records.
  • A consensus mechanism removes any centralised controlling body to enable network participants to validate transactions, proof of opportunity and referral, and add clarity for both the business and user.

**Benefits and feature of CANLEAD : **

  • First CANDLEAD is a good opportunity sharing with economy model
  • the solutions for all people the world to getting earning by refering people
  • good implementation of technology with blockchain technology
  • have a good transparancy that will make management of the risk as well
  • good reputation and responsible platform
  • high secure for controling the proof and privacy of client

Cand Token

The Canlead platform develops tokens, namely Cand Token, which adds to the Canlead platform business model. with the to lead token platform, it will certainly add investors who come from all over the world to invest in developing projects from the Canlead platform. introducing economic tokens in sharing opportunities from the Canlead platform.
Tokens Also utility tokens that can enhance the Canlead platform, users can also get them through assignments on the Canlead platform or can also purchase the tokens themselves from the Canlead platform so they can access or join the Canlead platform and benefit from the Canlead platform now and for the future.

Token Sales

Canlead announced crowd sales period will begin in October 2019 and will continue until Canlead reach hardcap $ 20 million. In the platform has provided 1.0 billion Canlead CAND token to ensure there is enough supply to provide incentives for contributors and participants who follow the development of this project.

  • Token name : CAND
  • Platform : Ethereum
  • Type : Utility
  • Price : $ 0.0333
  • Tokens for sale : 1,000,000,000 CAND
  • For sale : 600,000,000 CAND
  • Hardcap : $ 20,000,000


Michael Quan , Founder and CEO
Siri Narasimham , Business Director
Nito Martinez , CTO
Dan Dale , Business Development Manager
Filip Berdowski , Community Manager
Guilherme Muck , PR and Community Manager

Advisor :

Asher Looi , ICO program advisor
Irina Spekman ,ICO Advisroy Board ,Business and Funding Strategy
Michael Creadon , ICO advisory Board, Marketing and Fundraising Advisor
Peter Gold , ICO advisory Board ,HR Technology Industry Advisor



Anyone has the opportunity to register with Canlead as a buyer and publish the probability of employment (along with a suitable triumph or commission). They invite their own personal network of contacts to join Canlead as trusted connections or referees.
The customer receives referrals from his own network, but at any time the candidate has the opportunity to freeze the referrer and invite their own contacts to join and enable them so that they can send them to the buyer and other possibilities on the website — increasing the total network value every day in accordance with network effects of Metcalf’s law.
All parties are considered equal members of the network, and the position of referrals and relationships every day is reflected in the blockchain, in order to ensure fair payment of fees for successful hiring.

More informations CANLEAD :

Website : https://canlead.io/ico/
Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJu5O1BZN4XNvyMiwD8mUbJGfQ7LjTo_/view?usp=sharing
Litepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zLMGGCoEj1rSr_mwNGIxHDUclarKQ9_c/view?usp=sharing
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5000886.0
Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5158940.0
Telegram : https://t.me/canlead
Medium : https://medium.com/@canlead
Twitter : https://twitter.com/canlead_io
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/canlead.io
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/canlead/
Apps : https://app.canlead.io/

Author Profile:

Bitcointalk username: LeoDav

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2539144

My ethereum address: 0x3D17c00506572Bd93869D7818cE71Ae1822c139E

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