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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Review of AXIO cryptocurrency

Hello everyone today I am going to introduce you to a new trading platform, traded worldwide. AXIO is based on a platform backed by the assets of a money system managed by the Axios Foundation, which is selected as one of the best platforms with simple functions. and user-friendliness, combined with high reliability and security and high throughput for these transactions. The AXIO cryptocurrency represents all the best ideas, solutions and developments in the public sector, aggregated and configured in a way that makes payment possible. Real decentralization for everyday use, fast and easy to use not only in a closed ecosystem, but also in everyday life and closely integrated with the world market.

In the AXIO cryptocurrency, to validate transactions within the AXIO Axios Foundation network will support multiple payment methods that allow axios to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will allow the Foundation to bypass the existing payment infrastructure and the very high fees associated with it. In addition, all transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free for both consumers and retailers.on the complex block interaction, transaction and block signing system of AXIO owners. The process is fully automated and protected from outside interference. In the final form, we optimize the information sent to the personal account so that each investor can see the final outcome of the work on his assets, that is, receive dividends for him to handle. physical. Block management when working with Axio money is a cryptocurrency component backed by the assets of a monetary system managed by the Axios Foundation. It is intended to be a security in the United States that will be issued inside and outside the United States under the laws of the United States and the applicable jurisdictions.

Axio is a cryptocurrency backed by revolutionary assets designed to address the many shortcomings found in existing cryptocurrencies, such as the lack of identifiable intrinsic value, extreme volatility and not suitable for business operations. Axio is not simply a cryptocurrency, but a component of a patented backed cryptocurrency currency system. In this system, it will provide stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, the ability to convert and convert non international borders, multiple payment methods, free basic account services and legal framework. Axio will be issued in a confidential form according to US law with all potential advantages. It will provide significant protection from problems related to other cryptocurrencies and legacy banking systems. With many of its advantages, Axio is positioned to become the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrencies. As such, it has great potential.
From the outset, Axio has been designed to improve the current monetary system. It's a revolutionary change, its purpose is to overcome the current system by bringing previously undeniable benefits to individuals and businesses. Here are some features of Axio:


The Axios Foundation will issue loans and collect interest for them. Therefore, Axio will be supported by the intrinsic value of borrowers' efforts to pay off their loans. That is, Axio will be directly supported by the intrinsic value of work that represents real value rather than a by-product of the work like gold. And unlike cryptocurrencies backed by commodity with fractional reserve value, Axio will be fully supported by the borrower's full trust and credit.

Interest payment
The Fund will disburse profits from its operations in the form of interest payments to all Axio accounts. Interest payments will be paid on a regular basis, providing an incentive to invest in axios and keeping them in deposits with the Fund.

Axio is supported by the value of interest payments for a certain number of jobs. Because the value of the job is stable goods, the intrinsic value of Axio will be stable.

Payment methods
The Axios Foundation will support multiple payment methods that allow axios to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will allow the Foundation to bypass the existing payment infrastructure and the very high fees associated with it. In addition, all transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free for both consumers and retailers.

The Axios Foundation will operate a distributed computer system that will process transactions in real time.

Most cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, provide a publicly available record of all transactions that have ever taken place. As a result, they have a low level of privacy, although even with this limitation, many people entrust their financial history to a public blockchain. To address this issue, the Axios Foundation will not publish any account-related information. In addition, the Fund will not sell or share members' personal information without explicit permission.

The Axios Foundation will operate publicly and transparently to benefit its members. To achieve this, all details of its operations, including operating costs, outstanding loans, deposits, reserve amounts, profits, etc. will be published in a blockchain to show the Fund's financial status. The Fund itself will be democratically operated by its members in a manner similar to a credit union.

Because of the standalone system, Axios Foundation-managed accounts can be more secure than regular bank accounts.

Dispute resolution
Some business transactions cannot be made without a legal framework supported by some form of dispute resolution and the ability to reverse transactions due to errors, frauds, etc. Dispute resolution is an important component of any monetary system. To allow dispute resolution, transactions between Axio accounts will be reversed in whole or in part. To support the dispute resolution process, the Axios Foundation will comply with relevant court decisions and will also provide arbitration for a fee through a smart contract. The ability to resolve complaints will make Axio look like a legal tender issued by the government, which is something no other cryptocurrency can offer.
The Axio Axio Token, as originally provided at this STO, will not carry an internal mechanism for distribution payments or financial profits of any kind. The Axios Foundation hopes to convert the initially sold Tokens into one or more alternative tokens, culminating in Axio, which will operate on the company's undeveloped Platform.

Summary of gifts
Token name: Axio token
Token symbol: AXIO
Smart contracts: Etherscan.io
Total supply: 100,000,000
Quantity provided: 20,000,000 dollars
Minimum purchase: $ 1,000
Valuation of Axio tokens in USD
$ 0.55 per token for amount <10,000
$ 0.5 token per token for amounts ≥ 10,000 and <100,000
Token $ 0.45 per token with amount of ≥ 100,000 Token

The company expects to accept payments in BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC and USDC via Coinbase at the exchange rate based on the applicable quote later on Coinbase for the currency used in the purchase. For more information, please refer to Axio Token's Terms of Sale agreement.

The article comes here with information below
WEBSITE: https://axios.foundation/
WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KlFhTMHWWsYii2tM-yBfSZAVCADLDksj/view
PLANS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEcGMDiBO6SntVf1zhxefDxUNPukeVj9/view
BLOG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEcGMDiBO6SntVf1zhxefDxUNPukeVj9/view
TWITTER :https://twitter.com/AxiosFoundation
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/axios_foundation
Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH: 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d
My proof ID: C764Z9

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