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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


What is Oikos introduction
Welcome to what is Oikos .Oikos is a decentralized issuing asset that is built on TRON platform to support cryptocurrency market .These combined assets are mortgaged by Oikos Token (OKS) ) which, when locked in the contract, will allow the release of general assets (Synths). This model of collateral allows users to switch between Synths directly with smart contracts, avoiding the need for partners. This mechanism solves the liquidity and sliding problems encountered by DEX's. Oikos currently supports mixed currencies, cryptocurrencies (long and short) and commodities. OKS owners are encouraged to stake their tokens when they are paid a portion of the fees generated through their Oikos.Exchange activity, based on their contribution to the network. It is the right to participate in the network and to collect fees generated from Synth exchanges, from which the value of the OKS token is derived. Trading on Oikos.Exchange does not require the trader to hold OKS.
OKS as collateral
How OKS backups Synths

All Synths are supported by OKS tokens. Synths are summed up when OKS owners consider their OKS as collateral with Minter, a decentralized application to interact with Oikos contracts. Synths are currently backed by a mortgage rate of 800%, although this may be increased or decreased in the future through community governance mechanisms. OKS producers incur debt when they mint Synths money and to exit the system (ie unlock their OKS), they have to repay this debt by burning Synths.

Oikos is currently challenging TRX as another form of mortgage. This means that traders can borrow Synths from their TRX and start trading immediately, instead of selling their TRX. TRX betting requires a collateral ratio of 150% and creates a debt equal to TRX, so TRX creates sTRX instead of sUSD and does not participate in the 'common debt' aspect of the system. In this model, TRX producers do not receive fees or rewards because they do not pose a risk to the debt group.

Why are owners OKS in stock

OKS holders are encouraged to stake their tokens and mint Synths coins in several ways. Firstly, there are exchange rewards. They are created whenever someone exchanges one Synth with another Synth (ie on Oikos.Exchange). Each transaction that creates an exchange fee is sent to a group of fees, available to OKS manufacturers to claim their rates per week. This fee ranges from 10 to 100 bps (0.1% - 1%, although usually 0.3%) and will be displayed in any transaction on Oikos.Exchange. Another incentive for holders of OKS stakes / minting is the OKS bet reward, derived from the protocol's inflationary monetary policy. From March 2019 to August 2023, the total supply of OKS will increase from 100,000,000 to 260,263,816, with a weekly decay rate of 1.25% (from December 2019). From September 2023, there will be a final inflation of 2.5% annually for permanent.
Decentralized composite assets
Oikos is a Tron-based composite asset platform that provides direct exposure to currencies, commodities, stocks and fiat indices. Synths (Assets) supported by Oikos Network Tokens (OKS) are locked in smart contracts as collateral. Synths tracks the prices of various assets, allowing cryptocurrency users and non-cryptocurrency users to trade P2C (peer to peer contracts) on Oikos Exchange without liquidity restrictions.

Trust token exchange
Oikos Swap is an Uniswap's Tron portal: a reliable decentralized exchange that allows users to trade any Tron-based token without depositing or withdrawing money into a centralized order book. Better yet, the Oikos swap liquidity group has very little slippage for the majority of transactions. Anyone can contribute by adding or removing liquidity to receive commissions as exchange fees as well as rewards paid by OKS tokens.
Price data is obtained through reliable sources and aggregated to create a powerful price prediction mechanism

Developer tools make it easy to create applications that take advantage of Oikos services

Trade over 30 different Synths from different types
Join liquidity team to collect fees on TRX-TRC20 pairs. Trade TRX for any TRC20 without wrapping.

Automated price-sensitive pricing using a constant product formula
Oikos (OKS) Token Sale
Please activate or install the TronLink extension and refresh your browser.
How to participate?
The Oikos (OKS) crowdsale is done through a Tron smart contract. You will therefore need to buy OKS with TRX. Here is a list of wallets you can use:

Where to buy TRX?
We recommend buy directly from one of the wallets listed above or from Poloniex or Binance.

What are the tokenomics?
The token sale price is fixed at 0.6 OKS/TRX which is about 0.025$/OKS. There is an initial total of 100M OKS tokens. New OKS will be minted to reward OKS stakers according to our inflationary schedule. Please refer to our tokenomics document for more detailed information.

Why invest in Oikos (OKS)?
Oikos is a synthetic asset platform that provides on-chain exposure to fiat currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices. Synthetic assets (Synths) are backed by Oikos Network Tokens (OKS) locked into a smart contract as collateral. Synths track the prices of various assets, allowing crypto-native and unbanked users to trade P2C (peer-to-contract) on Oikos Exchange without liquidity limitations. OKS holders can stake their OKS to earn rewards. Please refer to our litepaper for more in depth information.

When will I get my tokens?
Tokens are immediately distributed through a smart contract to the address you used to do the payment. In order to see your OKS balance, you need to add the OKS contract address to your wallet:

Is it possible to purchase OKS using BTC, ETH, USDC, etc.?
If you plan to purchase a large amount (10,000$+), we will try to accomodate you. Please send us an email at info@oikos.cash.
STRX liquidity group on Oikos Swap: every week, an OKS part is added to the total supply through inflation monetary policy distributed as a reward to sTRX / TRX liquidity providers on Oikos Swap . This has encouraged liquidity providers to create the largest liquidity group on Oikos Swap (at the time of writing), allowing traders to buy Synths to start trading or sell Synths to make a profit.
OKS Auction: Oikos is currently testing a new mechanism with the dFusion protocol (from Gnosis) in which OKS discounts are auctioned off for TRX, then used to buy Synths below the latch.
Types of advanced orders

The current version of Oikos.Exchange only supports market orders that limit the usability of exchanges. An advanced order tool will be able to support limits, stop losses, stop limits and other advanced order types. This will use a forwarding network to handle advanced orders. Advanced order types are important to achieve feature parity with centralized exchanges.
The article comes here with information below
Website: https://oikos.cash/
Oikos Exchange: https://oikos.exchange/
Lightpaper: https://docs.oikos.cash/litepaper/
Github: https://github.com/orgs/oikos-cash/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oikos_cash
Discord: https://discord.gg/qjuqy6X
Telegram: https://t.me/oikoscash
bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049

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