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5 лет назад

REVIEW on cryptocurrencies and GOLD

Hello everyone, and readers, yes today I’m going to talk about this market, that is. WHAT IS GOLD?
GOLD is the most stable asset class, which is considered to have been the most stable currency ever, the most stable currency ever.
Gold is the most valuable way to appreciate your gold, the most effective way to invest gold right now, you can trade it anytime you want, a convenient and immediate way to store, buy it. , sell or transfer investment-grade gold based on ERC20 tokens AND EThereum standards Each GOLD token is backed 100% with physical gold stored in a secure vault.
1 NOTICE CODE = 1 PURE GOLD pure 99.99
The amount of physical gold stored can be verified at any time.
About them ensure the liquidity of the GOLD token. Unlimited number of GOLD can be bought / redeemed at our website immediately 24/7. Owning GOLD while private. All other gold ownership options involve disclosing your identity at the time of purchase or redemption. To buy or sell any amount of GOLD, you only need to provide your wallet address, 100% backed by physical gold. The amount of physical gold stored can be matched to the total number of tokens in real time. All remittance transactions are irreversible and there is no way to block or limit your account due to the decentralized structure of blockchain technology. At the bank, there is no hassle when actually dealing with problems related to precious metal storage. The company gives you the liquidity token
GOLD can be bought and sold instantly on a number of exchanges or at our website, allowing GOLD holders to enter and exit positions in seconds, a feat. This is not possible with physical gold in a safe vault.
Now you can store value in something that has a track record for thousands of years while still strictly controlled.
To achieve high market liquidity, GOLD representatives hold important positions as market makers on major exchanges around the world. interest by the outside market,
GOLD is a digital currency asset backed by physical gold, purchased every time the token is issued and stored in a secure vault in Singapore. GOLD is a safe, convenient and fast solution, serving a variety of purposes from investing and diversifying portfolios to secure transactions and gifts for your loved ones of the big market in transactions. Each transaction costs only a few strings per transaction, your way of receiving gold or the way you deposit gold at no charge. GOLD announcement is a great asset to diversify your portfolio. The investment is due to its transparency, where people can match the number of GOLD tokens issued against the amount of physical gold in the storage held by our company.
GOLD tokens are a real safe haven for cryptocurrency investors in times of market volatility.
A digital asset for convenient storage and secure transactions that you can rely on
GOLD token is an ERC-20 standard Ethereum token with a smart contract, charging 1% of the annual fee to store GOLD tokens. The tokens can be transferred to any Ethereum address and used for daily transactions.
All GOLD transactions are free. GOLD can be easily purchased and sold through their official website and cryptocurrency exchangePROTECT YOUR SAVINGS MONEY FROM INFLATION
Gold has been proven to be a store of value and to prevent long-term inflation for thousands of years. The US Dollar, on the other hand, has no such track record.
Since 1900, the US Dollar has lost 98.2% of purchasing power, while gold increased 53.9 times in the same period maintaining full purchasing power, and fighting inflation.
uy or sell GOLD and other cryptocurrencies without restrictions and restrictions. Cryptex platform Cryptoexchange works with many different payment systems, cash and electronic payments.

Today, the Digital Gold team is pleased to announce the official launch of the token and the GOLD platform.
The first press release has been released and is currently distributed on blockchain mass media. …
September 10, 2019
Digital Gold has ordered a professional audit of the GOLD Ethereum smart contract from renowned experts in this field — Swiss-based blockchain security firm ChainSecurity. ChainSecurance is secure over $ 1 …
Today we are pleased to announce that Digital Gold is keeping its promise to support cryptocurrency exchange by being listed on the Crypto Exchange ….
7/25/2019What is a GOLD coin?
GOLD is a stablecoin for everyday use just like for value preservation. When you buy GOLD, you buy the corresponding amount of gold bullion stored in a secure storage. Here are some features that make the token unique:
Particularly physical gold while still private. No need to disclose your personal information is required to purchase physical gold at the bank or vault.
Store value in assets with a proven track record for thousands of years. Unprecedented long-term purchasing power of gold has made it a safe haven asset of choice and prevention of market volatility.
Free transaction. You can make as many transactions in GOLD as you like. The only cost is a small percentage calculated daily on your balance to switch to storing physical gold in the vault.
Unlimited buy or sell. Digital Gold is a liquidity provider holding large positions that allows the purchase and sale of a large number of tokens at their website or exchange of partners.Finally, they are negotiating openly with a number of other cryptocurrency exchanges. We will notify you of subsequent listings on exchanges as soon as the GOLD token is listed on these platforms.
My post here is the end of hello and see you again, everyone next article for more information on our website below.
Website: https://gold.storage
Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20
Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin
Facebook: https://facebook.com/golderc20
Btt username : duvclnhi
Btt profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH : 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d

6.678 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2019
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