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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


Well, everyone back to my post today, I will introduce it to you.Ispolink is an automated platform in the world.
Introducing the Ispolink Platform
Hi everyone I will introduce you to this section comprehensive and fake recruitment fake. Ispolink and creative value special features, export value. Ispolink intends to revolutionize the hiring industry by offering a solution that will solve big and inefficient bottlenecks. Ispolink is a global automated matchmaking platform to address one of the most pressing challenges businesses face in acquiring talent, the company with operational solutions in blockchain and other information technology of the locations they provide, and manage the processes they provide and effectively implement, from sourcing, screening, through different interview stages, until final delivery. , all of which can be done in this platform, and this for corporate spreadsheets, and will ensure comprehensive coverage in all aspects, and improve visibility for stakeholders. internal, streamline hiring and automation processes. In this way, organizations will be able to fully control their hiring processes and significantly improve the engagement, evaluation and selection of potential customers without having to outsource this important job to Third-party recruitment agencies, helping to improve a significant part of the side
Vision and characteristics
Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve one of the biggest difficulties today is sourcing and drawing qualified staff. Furthermore, we accept that the most transformative approach to uncovering ingenious abilities is to integrate problematic advances in our central goal, as this will allow us to take the streamline and streamline procedures to improve Recruitment workflows. The blockchain will be based on ethereum distributed computing platform and protocol, powered by native ERC20 token - Ispolink (ISP). Along with the payment system, Ispolink is proposing a referral-based reward system designed to entice skilled job seekers and share success with our users by giving them a commission for Successful referrals are hired.

Ispolink's blockchain-based entry encourages procedures to fill the job by offering a full Cycle Recruitment framework. This phase will make the entire Recruitment process simpler, improved, mechanized and more to support associations that strengthen their internal correspondence will help reduce generous costs and time. . Therefore, the ability to acquire masters will have the option of focusing on sourcing, screening and talking reasonably, instead of sitting still on repetitive and non-material tasks. According to activity seekers, the stage is customized to improve their common understanding by reducing the search for delayed activities, tight hanging for input, combined with accommodation for availability. Get the best ideas with just a few fingers.

We endeavor to allow organizations to address their situations by providing them with the complete apparatus to lead and handle the entire contract process from screening candidates, through stages. Various of meetings until the final proposal, all can be done in stages.

main function

  • Machine learning

We use Machine Learning to coordinate the best candidate for your business

  • Integrated electronic payment

You can pay all governments with an offline installment plan in cryptocurrency

  • Easy to use

We care deeply about meeting your own customers and provide you with an intuitive and simple to use interface.

  • Instant feedback

Moments Feedback to the candidates implies no more stopping, no pressure and no poor experience

  • Page is customizable

Identify quality, image, culture and organization's accomplishments

  • Easy job search
  • Recruitment Agency Fee
    ● Cost:

An average of 10% is paid in advance to begin hiring and another 10-15% or more after hiring.

● Cost:

From 15% -25%, reaching 30% for the role of harder annual salary

● Cost:

20% to 50% of the hourly wage

Emanuil Pavlov

Co-Founder & CEO

Nikolay Pavlov

Co-founder & CTO

Paresh Joshi

Engineer Back End

Barry Teoh

Block chain developer

Songxun Zhao

Front End Developer

Jens Gantz

Art director & UI / UX Designer

Kiruba P.

Marketing Manager

Desislava Miroslavova

  • Well my post here is the end for you to add more information to everyone's website below
  • Website: https://ispolink.com/

Whitepaper: https://ispolink.com/assets/Ispolink_Whitepaper_v1.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ispolink/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ispolink

Telegram: https://t.me/ispolink
Bitcointalk Username: duvclnhi

Telegram Username: @tienminhss

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH: 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d

0.000 GOLOS
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