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7 лет назад

Tornado Beside His House ,Crazy Wife Took The Photo


Theunis Wessels Behind The Tornado.
Tornado was at about 2 Km from their house in ThreevHills, Albarta, Canada in Friday Morning,then Mrs CecillaWessels Take plan to take the Tornados Picture.Her Nine Year Old daughter too much Worried about It ,because instead of hiding inside the house her parents want to take tornado picture.Tornado Quikly Gone without any damages in the locality.
Theunis Wessels mowing his lawn that time. So Take the Tornado Picture and send it to international. Photo goes virals and BBC news channel come to Their house and Take interview.
Theunis Wessels was "fully aware" of the twister but "wasn't worried at all", his wife Cecilia, who took the photo, told the BBC.
Mrs Wessels said her photo had already been shared 3,500 times in two days, and she had received 256 friend requests.Local Government said about a Storm Warning with out any major damages, only Structural damage.
More information: https://www.bbc.co.uk

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