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5 лет назад

AoSpool Cryptocurrency 




Blockchain technology has gotten to the level in which the whole world cannot do without it. We have discovered that this technology is making the news headline everyday which symbolizes global and rapid adoption of this technology. But despite the greatness and potential of this technology, there are still some things that needed to be improved upon its use. We have several and different blockchain network such as bitcoin blockchain, ethereum blockchain, eos blockchain, tron blockchain and some other more. The level of difficulties associated with each of this blockchain network varies based on the type of blockchain. We have some blockchain that are more cumbersome and difficult to use than some others, we also have some that easy to use but they are lacking some other qualities. Let’s take for example the speed of transaction which is solely dependent on the nature of blockchain transaction. Some transactions do take several hours before it could be confirmed on the blockchain network, some blockchain also charges high transaction and mining fees. This is the reason why a new team has gathered around to rectify this problem by launching a new blockchain project known as AoS Pool

What is AoS Pool?

AoS always pays great attention to professionalism and excellent delivery. They do their best to ensure that as a client all your goals are achieved. They always do the work for you. That is why people keep subscribing to them.

The same scenario unfolds in RealKoyn, where a completely new dimension is added to the various investments that can be made in the real estate niche. With a team of experienced and dedicated professionals, there is no better place to place your investment than with RealKoyn. With them, you are very sure that you are dealing with real assets and get only real profit. The whole platform is based on Ethereum ERC20 blockchain technology, and this is very good news for investors.

There are several benefits to investing with RealKoyn. The whole process has been simplified, and the purchase of tokens can be carried out with the click of a button. Another reason why this is a reliable and profitable investment is that they are tied to land. Besides water and food, land is the most important resource for humanity. This is a whole that always grows in value, no matter what - the land never depreciates in value.

AoS completely destroyed the niche by combining investments in cryptocurrency with real estate operations. Therefore, although Koyn can function just like any other ERC20 token, it is distinguished by what supports it in terms of security and value.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of crypto offers do not fall into the exchange

This reality is not suitable for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that true partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and speaking in a world-class spirit. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency, but because of poorly trained and bad guys in space; these people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Due to the uncertainty you need AoS. We help you navigate the cryptosphere so that you don’t have to worry about stress or confusion. You collaborate with experts with production experience. Honesty is at the heart of our organization. We are taking significant steps to make you feel comfortable with your investment. In the end, what do we really bring to the table? Well, we did it.


We did it


Number of characters

Support service

You're not alone


We are careful


Do not guess, know


Qualified by others

AoS brings cryptocurrency to the average person, combining

JUMP IN funds

Future in thoughts

Partner with providences

Full transparency

Know what happens to your money.

Industry experts

Identifying the best opportunities in the world

Real assets

Invest with security

Scarcity gives value

Our investments are based on a shortage of material assets, therefore it will always matter. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are the main goals; Real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

● all tokens are secured by real assets

● Several tokens offer several features

● Token values

are reinforced by each other

Blockchain is the future of the Internet

The Internet of things converges to blockchain technology. Many refer to blockchain as the biggest thing since the time of the Internet. Smart investors are looking ahead and getting ready for the next iteration.

● through industries

● through technology

● across national borders

Timing is everything

The most important thing is not what you invest in, but when you invest in it. Blockchain technologies, including cryptocurrency, are becoming mature, and when space completely settles, the return will act accordingly. Since most large technology companies and many non-technical companies invest huge resources in the blockchain, this opportunity will be limited.

● Global firms have gone into space

● in 10 years, almost everyone knows bitcoin

● most will enter the market too late

We have an answer

Most cryptocurrencies are only supported by goodwill. Our capabilities are supported by value stores. Using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, i.e., Earth, minerals, etc.) And the technology that changes the game, we create something that we have never seen before.

● safer than other cryptocurrencies

● same type of gain possible

● long-term and short-term benefits

Real Koyn (RKYN) - current AoS offer, win with us.

Real estate is as "real" as it gets. By collecting properties, your tokens profit. With so many tokens that can never trade, work with a group that has already established relationships to ensure the exchange of your tokens. Our goal is to grow your money.

Our goal is to become your sole asset partner.

Investments in cryptocurrency.

Easy setup and monitoring

You will receive your own portal with a customizable control panel that manages your wealth.

Convenient and easy

Track all your crypto investments from one place (not only our branded products “koyn”).

Safe and reliable

We have taken proper precautions to keep your money safe.

Not just a coin, but. ., Coyne Collective!

To earn our place as a cryptocurrency partner, we must offer a variety of opportunities and provide not only impressive revenues, but also liquidity.

Combining versus investing Big difference

With investments, you only get money with a return (I hope). Our pool gives much more than money back. Our pool benefits everyone involved. As a member, you are entitled to powerful benefits.


Our members have access to loans based on their Coin holdings. Thus, growth can continue, as the needs of life may require.


How about starting your day and checking your email to see that an unexpected deposit has been made to your bank account? Our lottery randomly selects a participant as a gift.


We also provide charitable gifts in case of emergency. Unexpected things happen, and we are creating a real community that supports itself, which means the support of its members.

Democratization in the pursuit of wealth by pooling resources, not just investing

Choose a plan. Each penny is fully credited to your account. You will receive an equivalent amount of Coyne every month depending on your bonus package. Put your pursuit of wealth on autopilot. New coins will be automatically sent to you before the official release date. This gives our members the opportunity to multiply their investments. Where else is there such an opportunity to join the club without a large amount? Become a member with Real Koyn


● supersonic mogul

$ 0.99 / monthly

Hypersonic mogul

$ 3.99 / monthly

● Light speed Mogul

$ 9.99 / monthly


Multi tranches are better for early entrants

● 20%: reserves

● 60%: real estate assets

● 5%: erdrop

● 2%: participants and consultants

● 10%: founders

3%: generosity and marketing


With a mixture of property types, we can find the best deal.

● 10%: industrial

● 10%: land

● 35%: multi-family

● 25%: residential

● 20%: commercial


Most of the funds associated with the acquisition of projects

● 5%: Marketing

● 85%: real estate identification, security, development, sales

● 10%: administration, operations, legal


The first rounds are always the most successful, and then the subsequent rounds. Come early and be glad you did.

First Round - 20% Bonus

● Start date: February 14th

● End date: February 21

● Token Price: $ 0.10

Second Round - 15% Bonus

● Start date: February 22

● End date: February 29

● Token Price: $ 0.15

Third Round - 10% Bonus

● Start date: March 1

● End date: March 7

● Token Price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus

● Start date: March 8

● End date: March 15

● Token Price: $ 0


APRIL 2018

Organizational development

Create an offer including Legal and Whitepaper

July 2018

Selection of the main team

Identify key team members, reach and location.

September 2018

Core development team

To organize a team for the successful raising and planning and development of the project in the future.

January 2019

Social Network Beta Development

We began to develop the concept and architecture of our response to gaps in social networks.

MAR 2019

Community development

Advocacy in the crypto world, including all major crypto media and channels.

July 2019

Social Network Beta Development B

Proceed to the next stage of development of our Holysitic social network.

November 2019

Team Development and Training

Correctly recruit and post new members and prepare for launch.

January 2020

Media, PR and Community Engagement

PR launch and blitz through social networks.

January 2020


Raise funds with pre-sales bonuses and discounts, motivating investors.



Continue fundraising through stage 4 of the ICO.

They said it best

In a Forbes interview, Navrup Sahdev deeply summarized the emerging crypto space. Ben Bernanke's potential was clear in infancy. Ordinary people and “those in power” know that the future is a cryptocurrency using block chain technology.

"What is cryptocurrency, in fact, is the tokenization of electrons, not oil molecules, and it becomes a reference repository for everything that is useful in your life."

Navrov Sahdev

Block Chain Expert / Economist

MAR 2020


Continue to raise funds through IEO with a carefully selected partner.

April 2020

Stock listing

After considering the exchange options, we will conclude an agreement and make a list on several exchanges.

JUN 2020

Start of the project

Our team will research, identify, analyze and defend projects that meet our criteria.

JULY 2020

Social network site completed

Members will benefit from a holistic online community.

They said it best

In a Forbes interview, Navrup Sahdev deeply summarized the emerging crypto space. Ben Bernanke's potential was clear in infancy. Ordinary people and “those in power” know that the future is a cryptocurrency using block chain technology.

"What is cryptocurrency, in fact, is the tokenization of electrons, not oil molecules, and it becomes a reference repository for everything that is useful in your life."

Navrov Sahdev

Block Chain Expert / Economist


"Virtual currencies} can have long-term prospects, especially if innovation helps create a faster, safer and more efficient payment system."

Ben Bernanke

Chairman of the Federal Reserve 2006-2014

“ {Virtual currencies} may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

Ben Bernanke

Chairman of the Federal Reserve 2006-2014

Our executive team

Experienced and agile

Frederick Lund

Chief International Legal Counsel
Multinational Expertise

Rubab Arshad

Community manager
Multinational Expertise

Sean Brizendin

Intelligence adviser
Multinational Expertise

Hamza Khan

Strategic Advisor

Multinational Expertise

Daryl Naidu

Marketing consultant
Observer, Free Thinker, Kryptonaut

JC Wren

Executive Director
Leading from the front

Nick Gray

Chief Analyst
For more information, please follow the link below:

● WEBSITE: https://aosinvesting.com/
● WHITEPAPER: https://realkoyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/AoS-Real-Koyn-Whitepaper-1.10.pdf/
● THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5217535.msg53603060#msg53603060
● TELEGRAM GROUP: https://t.me/aospooling
● TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/AoSpool
● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AoS-Pooling-Art-of-Science-122718612451666
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/AoSPooling
● LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aos-pooling/about/
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

0.166 GOLOS
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