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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Blockchain technology has gotten to the level in which the whole world cannot do without it. We have discovered that this technology is making the news headline everyday which symbolizes global and rapid adoption of this technology. But despite the greatness and potential of this technology, there are still some things that needed to be improved upon its use. We have several and different blockchain network such as bitcoin blockchain, ethereum blockchain, eos blockchain, tron blockchain and some other more. The level of difficulties associated with each of this blockchain network varies based on the type of blockchain. We have some blockchain that are more cumbersome and difficult to use than some others, we also have some that easy to use but they are lacking some other qualities. Let’s take for example the speed of transaction which is solely dependent on the nature of blockchain transaction. Some transactions do take several hours before it could be confirmed on the blockchain network, some blockchain also charges high transaction and mining fees. This is the reason why a new team has gathered around to rectify this problem by launching a new blockchain project known as Habitus

Habitus is the future of building environmentally friendly homes and combined technologies. The vision is to unite the two and build multiple locations throughout the world. The investors will have access to this location for personal and business use. Habitus wants to show how technology can grow with people to help make the world a better place.

Habitus has full transparency, no decisions are made without notifying and discussing with our investors. Habitus have several ways to contact Telegram as one of them that will benefit all investors to keep up with the latest news and developments at Habitus.

Habitus wants this to be a full investment run by investors where you can really see and know what’s happening with your investment from day one. The roadmap breaks down every aspect of our trip that habitus invite you to bring with us.

The Features


Habitus are here for you, everything we do will be listed on a private members page where you can keep upto date with any progression we have made.

Big Data Insights

Habitus makes you the sole owner of a secure decentralized token which can be exchanged and sold.


The token is a tamper-proof using the EC20 network on the Ethreum Block.

Instant Operation

Providing instant transactions and the security of the blockchain.

Security User Data

Habitus will only collect your wallet address and name for the dispersal of your investment return.

The Vision

There are many problems with the current state of the property market, Habitus are starting to develop new ways to bring property that also helps the environment. The knowledge of property development enables us to get maximum returns for the investors. Habitus will build a future home that will benefit the environment and the world of cryptocurrency. The long-term goal is to provide affordable life and the property served to get the longest and safest return for the investors. In addition, Habitus will launch into the cryptocurrency mining area. Habitus knows the bitter reality of mining in recent years has reduced its potential but this should not have happened.

The goal is to give you the freedom to live in an environment that is environmentally friendly but with the knowledge that your investment returns you month after month. Habitus don’t ask you to invest in pipe dreams or some random software, Habitus asks you to invest in physical development and something that you can also get involved directly. Habitus will run a fully transparent business where you as an investor can at any time request information about the project.

Habitus is here at the right time and has the right view of the future and for your investment, Habitus do not run short-term investments. After Habitus starts making profits, you do it too. Habitus don’t run short-term investments, they look for long-term payments to investors every month. You as an investor are the ones who make this possible. Habitus are not here to confuse you with jargon about the blockchain or what it does. Habitus know that some of the investors have the potential to have basic knowledge about blockchain. Creating something special is all about solving problems and this is the expertise.

Why You Should Choose Habitus?

The Habitus team is experienced in every field of crypto currencies and property development. Habitus have more than 10 years of combined experience and extensive network and knowledge base. Habitus aim to give the investors the best returns and the highest support from every ICO.

Habitus are experienced.

Habitus are experienced professionals who will not only meet, but exceed, your expectations.

Habitus are flexible

Well, because Habitus are a small organization, Habitus are also responsive, flexible, agile, and client-oriented.

Habitus are effective

Habitus invests for your future. The investment plan is second to none and is geared towards maximum ROI.

Habitus are cost-effective

Habitus adapt to the market to find the best prices in the new market sector.

The Features


Habitus are here for you, everything they do is included on the personal page where you can keep up with the developments Habitus have made.

Great data designs

Habitus makes you the sole owner of safe decentralized drawings that can be changed and sold.


Tokens are evidence of damage to the EC20 network on the Ethreum block.

Instant operation

Offers instant transactions and block security.

User Data Security

Habitus will only collect the address and name of your wallet to distribute the return of your investment.

Token Sales Details

Name: Habitus

Symbol: HABS

Accepted courses: ETH

Minimum Purchase: 0.00575 ETH

Start: July 10, 2019 (00:00 GMT)

End: December 31, 2019 (00:00 GMT)

Public Sale:

183 million tokens

10 billion blankets (bonus)

Heading to public sale: 350 million thousands

Every day we lose 1 million points. If one single person buys a token that day, they get 1 million tokens at the end of the day. If 1000 people buy, 1 million tokens are distributed by 1000. 183 million tokens are sold for 183 days. After 183 days, the remaining 350 billion drawings are recorded on various public-sale exchanges.

You have to buy a minimum of 0.00575 one. If you send less then this will not process your purchase.

Day 1 - 14 days the price will be quoted daily by 25% + 5,000,000 bonus per purchase

The day 15-30 days, the price will be set up every day by 50% + 3,000,000 bonus per purchase

The day 31 - 60 days will increase the price each day by 100% + 2,000,000 bonus per purchase

On the day 60 - 183 days the price will help 150% every day + 1 million bonus per purchase

At the end of every 24 hours, the token will be sent directly to your wallet.

At the end of the week we will also process bonus signs.

500% only for 1-14 days, the amount will decrease
Jan 2019


Concept Generation, Team Assemble

May 2019


Proving the concept can work. Strategic Plan. White paper completion

May 2019


Platform design and technical demonstration. Website Launch

July 2019

Public Sale Starts

183 Million Tokens over 183 days

December 2019

End Of Public Sale

The remaining tokens will be listed on several exhanges.

January 2020


The location will be decided by all investors on a poll of selected areas

Febuary 2020

1st Webinar

Our first webinar will be aired for all investors to see what our plans are for habitus token.

March 2020

Invest and Develop

We hope by this stage we will be ready to start the build process. All investors are welcome to come in person to see any developments

April 2020

Investors Meeting

We will hold our first yearly investors meeting. Every investor will be invited to attend. Webinar

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.habitus.global/

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5164349.0

Whitepaper: https://www.habitus.global/whitepaper/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HabitusToken

Telegram: https://www.t.me/habituschat

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HabitusToken
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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