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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SECURIX-Next Generation of Crypto mining tokenization

The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world.
Because of the access to the internet we are able to get information about one of the most incredible crypto-project which is known as Securix

Securix is providing superior value to cloud mining alternatives, as the Securix token (SRXIO) holders will continuously receive a share of the monthly gross revenue from the mining operations, making investing in cryptocurrency worry-free and straightforward.

Furthermore, Securix’s token-based solution will help alleviate a lot of the common cloud mining problems, as users won’t forfeit their investment if the market dips and mining which isn’t profitable. Instead, Securix will set a portion of their company profits aside as a company reserve to keep the lights on while they wait for the market to recover. In addition, tokens will be secured using smart contracts, so they can’t be cancelled until they run their course. Holding a securix token has no hidden costs and allows for a high output per token as mentioned above. No company is guaranteed to succeed, of course, but given that Securix has its token backed by their physical assets (the mining hardware), an established team, and an extensive white paper that analyses their potential market it is safe to say they are here to stay.

Securix.io will exhibit with a booth at the Dubai International Blockchain Summit, as it will provide an opportunity for passers-by to enter a lottery which will entitle them to win SRXIO tokens, as winners will be announced live on the company’s Facebook page during the event.

The Aim

The aim is to regulate the history of transactions in a way that calculates the reality must be modified by an entity. By downloading and verifying blockchain, or Crypto Bitcoin nodes can reach consensus on the order event in Bitcoin.

The Problems

Not following roadmap

No clear future vision

Hidden cost structure

Lack of communication after ICO

The Solutions

Most ICO’s don’t have a real product during the crowdsale. They can change their vision and strategies. Securix has a real product and we need to maintain our mining facility for our token holders to maximize the output. So following the roadmap is crucial for Securix, as the interest of the founders are the same as everyone else! They are also token holders and benefit from a very successful mining operation

The crypto mining has a clear future. As Securix we are dependent of the mining market. Securix has a clear vision to maximize output by re-investing and the buyback burning program, which ensures the best return on investment for the token holders

Up till now our competitors are using a netto profit based profit split. As token holder you are paying the costs. It can be unclear what those costs are as they are not revealed. Our approach is unique. We have a gross Revenue share! No hidden costs, all the risks and costs are the entrepreneurial risks of Securix

After the Securix crowdsale we keep our tokenholders up to date with newsletters, and inapp news and updates from our mining facility

The Features of SECURIX

Users of the platform will be able to receive monthly passive income, regardless of the situation on the crypto currency market. Here are the main features of the project: EAN 2 EAN - a system that allows you to steadily extract tokens inside the platform.

There is no production contract, shelf life - cooperation is really simple and profitable for all.

Revenues from gross income.

No problems with cloud services and frequent losses of cryptocurrency.

Value of the token is supported by tangible assets.

Excellent choice of the country for the location of capacities for the production of cryptocurrency

The Netherlands / Holland are well known for their consensus models in politics and economics. Their choice for placing mines is based on several factors - strategic location, security and scalability.

The Benefits

Effective system of protection, information protection and hearth safety. Most of the objects are going to be fabricated from noncombustible material, the corporate can forever be below the oversight of the protection system, and also the company's specialists are going to be able to stop hacker attacks.

The corporate develops application SECURIX MEGA VAULT billfold and internal exchange Exchange DCE. because of the appliance, you'll manage your balance and resolve correct data regarding the facility of the corporate and also the range of coins deep-mined. And their internal exchange can provide the chance to shop for and sell bound crypto assets, moreover as exchange them for ancient cash.

Purchase of electricity are going to be administered while not intermediaries from the platform EAN-2-EAN, that considerably reduces the value.

All processes associated with mining are going to be monitored through special programs, which is able to create it potential to quickly solve any difficulties and issues.

The corporate provides for a monthly investment strategy. this means that every month the funds are going to be reinvested and therefore the value and volume of the company's tokens can increase. Also, it'll provide a chance to every capitalist to frequently create a profit.

Token Sale and ICO Details

Token Value Backed by Assests

The token value is covered by their thousands of mining machines running in their facility. From each sold token, a token costs 1 USD. Up to 0.85 USD cents is used for purchasing mining hardware and electrical infrastructure upgrade. This means the token is backed by the acquired assets in our mining facility and has a real market value of 0,85 USD cents

Token Details

Token Name: Securix

Token Ticker: SRXIO

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Total Token Supply: 35,000,000,000 STL

Investment Information

Acceptable currencies: BTC, BCH, ETH, XMR, Fiat

Token price: 1 SRXIO = $ 1.00 USD

Minimum investment: $ 100 USD

Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 55,000,000 USD

Tokens and Funds Allocation

Token Distribution

85% – Securix mining facilities Purchase of mining hardware, Electrical upgrades, transport duties

15% – Marketing, Administrative costs Incorporations, Tax and legal support

Funds Allocation

77% – allocated to contributing participants

15% – as sole remuneration for the founders. (locked for 12 months, then released in batches of 5% each month)

6% – Research and Development

2% – Bounty Program

About ICO

ICO Round 1: Aug 04 – Sep 06/30% Bonus

ICO Round 2: Sep 07 – Sep 19/20% Bonus

ICO Round 3: Sep 20 – Sep 30/15% Bonus

ICO Round 4: Oct 01 – Oct 07/10% Bonus

ICO Round 5: Oct 08 – Oct 15 / 7.5% Bonus

ICO Round 6: October 16 – October 23/5% Bonus

ICO Home: October 24 – October 31/0% Bonus

How It Works?


Registration on securix.io and sign up for participation in the crowdsale.

ERC-20 wallet

You must have an ERC-20 compatible wallet to participate in the crowdsale. You can acquire a ERC-20 wallet at https://www.myetherwallet.com/.


Transfer the amount of cryptocurrency as per instructions that you wish to spend on SRXIO tokens. After the successful transaction await the confirmation from Securix.

Receive SRXIO

After you receive the confirmation from Securix that your funds has been cleared, you will see the SRXIO tokens in the wallet you’ve provided. Enjoy the SRXIO token with monthly pay out.


According to the developers, the company Securix in the framework of the ICO has launched its own tokens SRXIO. Investors who purchase these coins will be able to earn income from owning them. Profit will be accrued monthly on a specialized purses in coins ETH.

At the same time, 45 percent of the company's profits will be distributed among the coin holders. Other funds will be used to upgrade equipment, buy coins, as well as to maintain equipment and purchase electricity. At the same time, the company will take only 8 percent of the monthly income.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that investors will be given access to smartphone SOFTWARE, which will contain not only a wallet, but also a number of other functions that allow tracking the work of mining farms.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that investors ' income will change depending on the change in the value of BTC tokens in the cryptocurrency market.


23 JULY - Website LIVE

04 AUGUST - Start private pre sale

06 SEPTEMBER - End private pre sale

07 SEPTEMBER - Start crowdsale

OCTOBER - Facility operations and electrical upgrade

31 OCTOBER - End crowdsale

NOVEMBER - Hardware purchase

NOVEMBER - Installing Mining hardware

DECEMBER - Internal testing

JANUARY - Start operations

JANUARY - Megavault APP live

31 JANUARY - First Monthly gross revenue output



Jacobus Donkersloot: Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Damian Strauss: Founder and Chief Operations Officer


Marcel Schoenmaker: Technology Architect / IT Manager

Danny van den Nieuwendijk: Business Manager

Brenda Stad: Accounting and Finance

Jacky Lu: Asia Pacific Regional Manager

Sascha Bouman: Business Manager

Andrei Kovalevski: Marketing Manager

Gleb Raskin: Digital Marketer

Jack Tonge: Graphic Designer


Jimmy Cox: DTS Tax Solutions

Hendrick Jan Duijn: DTS Tax Solutions

Boyan Josic: ICO Advisor Mogul Media, JOSIC Media, ICODashboard.io

Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.securix.io/

Whitepaper: https://securix.io/wp/Securix_Whitepaper_onepager_GB.pdf

Whitepaper: https://www.securix.io/#docs

Github: https://github.com/SRXIO

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/securixio/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/securixmarketing

Twitter: https://twitter.com/securixio

Telegram: https://t.me/securixio

Medium: https://medium.com/@securixio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6NbXR12fV5YVYS1wTf1GYA
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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