Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Blokbiz - Safe Crypto investments, controlled project

The development of the BlokBiz, the platform is one in all our most bold comes. The creation of the platform began in 2018. From the start and till the discharge our platform, several technological issues were studied and solved, that enabled America to excellent our system and make the perfect idea of future crypto exchanges.

Because cryptocurrency is meant for thought adoption BlokBiz our platform is a stop buy purchasers United Nations agency will get the foremost from their investment. we are going to produce the easy-to-use system that mixes ancient markets and blockchain-based assets.

What is BlokBiz
BlokBiz could be a crowdfunding platform mistreatment blockchain technology. Our goal is to create a platform wherever all the listed comes square measure completely checked by our Team mistreatment globally approved compliance and AML strategies.

We square measure supplying our own token (XBZ) for many reasons. though it helps United States of America finance the majority of the project it'll additionally take an enormous role within the dealing procedures at intervals the BlokBiz Platform.

However, it is a new technology for financing or supporting good projects there will
always be a lot of unsuccessful ones, thus BlokBiz could be the appropriate platform
for all the investors who want to participate in the crowdfunding market.

What is BlokBiz about?
BlokBiz could be a crowdfunding platform at intervals the cryptocurrency phase. Their goal is to create a platform wherever all the listed ICOs square measure completely checked by their team mistreatment globally approved compliance and AML strategies. solely those firms will seem their our platform that totally passing on the said procedures. Investors will browse on their platfrom for ICO investments knowing that each company is rigorously checked and rated.

What square measure the worth drivers behind BlokBiz token price?
BlokBiz’s goal is to produce a surface wherever our customers will invest in viable comes knowing that their invested with funds square measure in company that's totally monitored and supervised. They believe that they supply an answer that's alright demanded by the market and it will grow wide used and fashionable.

ICO selling vs ICO services
ICO selling are often outlined as any activity that's drained order to lift funds by increasing traffic and conversions of your ICO web site.

ICO selling agency: Bull Run manufactory

ICO selling strategy plays in vital role in reaching the fundraising goals of your ICO. the most advantages of a solid ICO selling strategy square measure eliminating wasted selling budget by addressing ICO weaknesses and optimizing for conversions, obtaining a lot of guests to convert into actual investors by optimizing for it and being a lot of probably to hit your arduous cap.

ICO Audit
ICO Audit are often useful for ICOs that need to create positive they're not missing any items of crucial info that their potential investors use to create investment choices. the first outcomes of Associate in Nursing ICO audit is eliminating wasted selling budget, obtaining a lot of guests to convert into actual investors and having a neutral third party to create positive your ICO selling materials square measure on a spare level.

Token & token social science
After the team and products introductions have convinced United States of America, we are going to take a deep verify the token social science behind the ICO. Provided materials have to be compelled to make a case for thoroughly why the tokenization model has been chosen to run the business. it's to be clear what advantages do the tokens give for the first investors and therefore the finish users.

Marketing & community
Even the best team with the best product and best business model won't success while not having a decent community reaching. Next factor we tend to measure is that the visibility and supporter base of the project. The social media channels have created it straightforward to create and measure community support. we wish to understand is that the team seriously participating with its community, supporters and clients; will the individuals realize|searching for} the answer find it easily; is that the project bestowed in an exceedingly method that it's straightforward for individuals to urge interested and involved? If the project materials look clear and sensible, the project is straightforward to seek out and open queries get answered quickly - our analysis team is happy.

Total offer of our token
The mounted total offer of BlokBiz token (symbolized XBZ) is one hundred 000 000 XBZ.
The fixed total supply of BlokBiz token (symbolized XBZ) is 100 000 000 XBZ.
Pre-Sale limit: 180,000 USD – 10x bonus 1,800,000 tokens – 10 XBZ/USD
Soft-cap limit: 2,000,000 USD – 1,25x bonus 2.5 M tokens – 1,25 XBZ/USD
Hard-Cap: 100.000.000 USD limit. The tokens will circulate. – 1 XBZ/USD

Token distribution

Further Information Visit This Site :

WEBSITE : https://www.blokbiz.io/home
BITCOINTALK : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5026037
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/blokbiz
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/blokbiz
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/blokbiz
WHITERPAPER : https://www.blokbiz.io/assets/whitepaper.pdf
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/blokbizgroup/
LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/blokbiz-group/

Username BitcoinTalk : Aini97
Url Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1517568;sa=summary
Eth : 0x430757f89cE5a7E26f76CEa89fb6281225dfd5C9

0.353 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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