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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Digital gold: Numerous potentials

The benefits of gold cut across almost every aspect of life. Gold is not just an ordinary metal but a precious one indeed. Many considered gold to be a rare commodity perfect for investment. It is no news that gold has been used by almost all the major civilized part of the world to represent something significant like wealth, beauty, accomplishment(awards, trophies), the list continues. Gold is no doubt at the forefront of our society. It will shock some of you to know that gold is medicinal, it possesses the ability that brings soothing vibrations to the body to aid the healing process. In this article, i will love to explore the medicinal part of gold.


In line with records, the potency of gold in terms of medicinal was earliest proven by Egyptian when an 'elixir' was made of liquid gold. The Egyptian believed that gold is mystical and that its presence in the body would help to cure the body of several diseases and also protect the body from several diseases. We also have it on records that the Egyptians also used gold in dentistry which is still relevant till today. Gold is non-toxic and tolerated by the body.
Apart from Egyptian, several other countries have used gold as medicinal. See the countries below
• India used gold in Ayurveda for rejuvenation and revitalization under the name of Swarna Bhasma.
• in medieval Europe, gold-coated pills and “gold waters are used to treat discomfort due to sore limbs
• Ancient Romans used gold to cure skin problems.
• You will also find it interesting to know that peasants cook their rice with a gold coin for the replenishment of body mineral in China. Some Chinese restaurants put 24-karat gold-leaf in their food preparations which signify the restorative properties of gold.

Gold has proved to be a precious metal if not the most precious metal and that is why everything built on gold is precious. Everything with the identity of gold appeared to be precious. A touch of gold is a touch of
 perfection
 stability
 wealth
 best

Every innovation that has to do with gold is an innovation for revolution. Gold has been used for different innovations in different sector and now we have it on the blockchain. Tokenizing gold is one of the best things that has happened to blockchain technology and the crypto world at large. Read on as we explore the innovation that uses the potentials of blockchain technology in combination with the numerous benefits of gold to solve major problems.


Digital gold is a digital currency backed by real physical gold stored in company vaults. It is a project independent of market situation because it has the backing of physical gold. You also need to know that each gold token is equal to one gram of 99.999% fine gold. Bringing gold on the blockchain will definitely solve a lot of problems beyond our imagination, just like gold has proven to be so significant in the faces of so many world problems, the 'Digital gold' token is out to bring an end to so many problems confronting the crypto markets. For more information on digital gold and the benefits visit ((https://gold.storage/en/home).


Digital gold is one of the numerous projects but different from the numerous project. The potential of digital gold is beyond now. Digital gold is only for the wise. You will agree with me that making a wise choice is the greatest tool of investment.

For more details:

Author: mealea
Bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2577643;sa=summary

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