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ASCAa-Personal offers a letter health inspection system as part of the ASCAa-Personal service

Where we start toward the most advanced medical care

No matter how excellent our vision for "Asclepius Network" project is, and no matter how abundant the information on our medical blockchain system is, we will end up turning the whole information into a large chunk of waste unless we can integrate, manage, and utilize it. We will not only build a medical blockchain system, but also develop the software to integrate and utilize the medical and healthcare information.

Information accumulation with ASCAa-EMR

Our ASCAa-EMR electronic medical record system comes with next-generation operability, and we plan to embed the diagnosis assisting information in the system:

1. AI-aided diagnostic information

Associating with the Asclepius Network project, the shared property of the information from medical specialists around the world, ASCAa-EMR will allow every doctor who uses it to share clinical information. With regard to AI-aided diagnostic information, we will start by collecting case-study information globally in order to integrate a wide range of diagnostic / therapeutic protocols. Also, we will install the treatment guidelines issued by medical societies of all specialties. In the future, when we integrate the expertise and knowledge of various specialists, each doctor will be able to access the knowledge base from their terminals as they record the patient's conditions and to study the relevant information marked with their sources.

2. Telemedicine to be made possible

With the AI-aided diagnostic imaging, medical records on the network, and the integrated medical knowledge base, we will be able to readily offer telemedicine - clinical clinical care care - which is expected to be widely accepted in rural areas in Japan as well as in Europe and North America. The use of this service will enable the most advanced medical care to reach people in every corner of the world.

3. Usability improvement

We will continue to develop the system further for better usability and browsability, with the priority always on the usability of the system; we will continue to pursue patents for the technologies developed along the way.

4. Real-time research of the latest pharmaceutical information

With the integrated information online, the users will be able to refer to the information on any prescriptions directly. Pharmaceuticals companies will constantly update the database, so that doctors and pharmacists will have access to the latest information anytime.

5. Reservation system and insurance claim function

At medical institutions, their operations rely on a number of systems ranging from reservations, medical records, placing orders, insurance claims, etc. ASCAa-EMR will come with the medication order and insurance claim functionality, on top of the reservation system linked to ASCAa-Personal. Once the doctor makes an entry into ASCAa-EMR as they perform an examination, they will be able to refer to the relevant aided diagnostic information and promptly place an order according to the prescription suggested by the system, which then seamlessly enters into the invoice system .

6. Embedded wallet functionality

ASCAa-EMR will also have a wallet functionality to receive payments made in unique cryptocurrency for uninsured medical care.

7. Multilingual ASCAa-EMR

ASCAa-EMR will be multilingual, so that wherever the user practices medicine, they will be able to take advantage of ASCAa-EMR to access the most advanced medical information while conversely contributing to their own medical advancement to the information base. Such contribution will further enhance the knowledge base. Doctors in developing countries will, therefore, be able to access the knowledge base and provide their patients with the most advanced medical care. We are aiming to develop the global standard of medical recording.

ASCAa-Personal Healthcare app to accumulate information

Our ASCAa-Personal revolutionary healthcare app will be developed to support the users' health in many aspects. ASCAa-Personal will seamlessly link individual health information and clinical records and offer the health guidance that best matches their health conditions, while serving for the accumulation and integration of medical expertise and knowledge and medical records:

1. Health support informative videos

ASCAa-Personal will offer health informative videos. On top of the descriptions of diseases, the topics of these videos will include medicine administration and health-related familiar, everyday matters̶familiar to many ears, but actually not known in detail. We will make extra efforts when we create videos to entertain the users. We will also offer support for health information linked to the contents of the videos.

2. Digital medicine notebook

ASCAa-Personal will automatically record the data of the medication prescribed at the hospital. The users will be able to view the detailed descriptions of the relevant generic medicines and to make their own decisions whether to choose the generic product.

3. Provision of health check-up results and associated health information

 ASCAa-Personal will deliver the results of a routine health check-up and relevant health information. This function will also serve as an alert notifying their upcoming routine check-up. Furthermore, ASCAa-Personal will manage the past data in a chronological order, while functioning as severe-disease prevention and prompting health informative videos of relevance.

4. Alert for severe disease prevention

ASCAa-Personal will monitor the past check-ups and medical records and alert the users when any important risk emerges in them. If the detected risks are considered to threaten their health, ASCAa-Personal will display their descriptions on screen.

5. Health check-up support

The users of ASCAa-Personal will be able to readily book a health checkup and make an appointment at the medical institutions that use our ASCAaEMR. This function will facilitate hospital visits by eliminating the time for cumbersome telephone appointments and long waiting hours

6. Booking for Mail Medical Check

The users will be able to book for a Medical Mail Check and receive the results on ASCAa-Personal. As they use the service for years, the users can view the results in graphs and relevant information based on them.

7. Teleshopping

ASCAa-Personal will introduce the user merchandise that is relevant to maintaining their health. Corresponding to their individual healthy activities and health checkup records, the users will receive the merchandise information carefully selected by experts. The users can purchase merchandise by engaging in healthy activity mining.

8. Access to medical information infrastructure and search functions.

The Asclepius Network will store a vast volume of medical information including the most advanced medical information and medical expertise and knowledge. The users of ASCAa-Personal will be able to access and browse such reliable information whenever they wish.

 9. Wallet function and amulet

ASCAa-Personal will come with a wallet function of the rewards the user receives for their healthy activities. With the use of ERC20, not only will they be able to save their mining rewards, but also to pay their medical bills at the participating clinics of the Asclepius Network project as well as for the bills for Mail Medical Check. The users will be awarded the cryptocurrency as an amulet, and they will be able to familiarize themselves with it.

10. Multilingual ASCAa-Personal

ASCAa-Personal will be multilingual, so that users can use it in their home country. Furthermore, the users will be able to access the information relevant to their home country and receive support from their healthy activities that suit the environment there.

Health promotion support through globally available Mail Medical Check

ASCAa-Personal offers a mail health checkup system as part of the services of ASCAa-Personal. The user will receive a blood sample kit at home, take a sample on their own, and then send it in. Our highly advanced medical technology will examine this small amount of blood sample in as much detail as the regular blood test does. Our advanced medical technology will analyze the blood sample for pathological risks and send the report to the user via the ASCAa-Personal app. This mail blood test will measure twelve different items of the blood and help early detection of any abnormalities in liver and kidney functions, uric acid, body fats, and any signs of arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and other diseases.


Capitalizing on the medical information infrastructure, Asclepius Network will provide support for the medical knowledge integration and the health management through medical records as well as AI-aided health improvement. We will issue ASCA tokens (ASCA, henceforth), which can come in handy in various aspects of the Asclepius Network. The below are the descriptions of the ASCA utilities, such as deposits, discounts, and engagement (the numbers are arbitrary and subject to change).

Enterprise use

1. Deposit to install ASCAs-EMR for the Asclepius Network project

The installation of ASCA-EMR requires a deposit of 100,000 ASCA. The services provided will be payable in ASCA as well as legal tender, with a 5% discount on payments in ASCA.

2. Deposit to use the medical information infrastructure of the Asclepius Network project

The data on the integrated information will be classified by access level. The amount of a deposit will determine the access level. Each access made to the data will be charged in either ASCA or legal tender, with a 5% discount on payments in ASCA.

Personal use

1. Amulet upon the installment of the ASCAa-Personal health app

For the installment of the ASCAa-Personal health app, each user is gifted with 3ASCA as an amulet. Once they have performed certain health activities, they can use the ASCA amulet as acquired (the use of the ASCA amulet is only permitted after the user is engaged in certain health activities and mining).

2. Discounts on services and purchases through the ASCAa-Personal health app

According to the amount of ASCA in possession, the users can receive a discount on a mail-delivery health check-up, health information, healthcare products, and so on, for instance, as follows: 10ASCA 3% off; 100ASCA 5% off; 1,000ASCA 10% off; 10,000ASCA 20% off, 100,000ASCA 25%, and so on.

Roadmap ~ Asclepius Network Project


Establishment of JpMedsn


Capital 60 JPY JPY at H1


Starting from the development of ASCAa-ESDM


148,750,000 JPY as capital at H1


Starting from the development of ASCAa-Personal


ASCAa-EMR α version released, trial phase in several clinics

2017 Q1

The release of the ASCAa-EMR α version on the Q1 / Apple App Store certification was obtained


Capital 249,750,000 JPY at H2

2018 2Q

Launch ASCAa-Personal and start full scale promotion in Q2

2018 Q3

Launch of the ASCAa-EMR β version in Q3, a pilot operation

2019 2Q

Launch ASCAa-EMR and begin full scale promotion in Q2


ASCAa-Personal full-scale distribution with ASCA issued

2020 2Q

Make ASCAa Lab in 2Q

Team and Advisor

Project management team of the project manager

Hiroyuki Yamaguchi: CEO, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.

Advisory Board

Medical Supervision

Hiroyuki YasuokaMD: Director, Minami Akasaka Clinic

Sales advisor

Lalit Bansal

Marketing Strategy Advisor

Dmitri Belkov

Technology Adviser

Bharat Gandass

Supervision of intellectual property rights

Ryosuke Tamura: Attorney chief patent, Lighthouse International Patent Firm

To get even more accurate information please visit the link below:









Author: Menthil85

Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2215446 

ETH: 0x1Fa6eFAfD10790Ebc46B13116e6Ea03989C9e5f0

0.000 GOLOS
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