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CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation work together with a distinctive vision to get lasting change in the cannabis field

Greetings my fellow cryptolovers, please pardon me to explain a wonderful project called "cannacor" that I have came up with today, I have been reading and following up this project for a while now and I found the value in this project and I decided to share with you and possible carry some certain actions with them, by investing on the project, I think this will be positioned you an advantageous grand as long as canacor is concerned. You will enjoy ever engaging yourself with this project. What more? Before going further I would like you to take a bit step on the write-ups below to get more information about the project.

CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation have engaged in collaboration to position themselves to become global leaders in cannabis research, cultivation, processing and distribution, as well as the implementation of blockchain technologies for purposes of cannabis life cycle and supply chain management. They aspire to lead, legitimize and define the future of the industry by building the world’s most trusted Blockchain-based Cannabis Company. This venture includes the establishment of a unique aquaponics cultivation and production facility in Lesotho to supply the Global market.

CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation are working together with a typical vision to get an enduring change in the field of cannabis, look into, development, preparing and circulation. We will likely change the whole cannabis development procedure to make it as straightforward and secure as could reasonably be expected.


The vision of CannaCor is to turn into a leader of therapeutic cannabis development in Lesotho. Our center is to execute supportable generation offices and grow our leads with an aquaponics creation plant while incorporating all our administration frameworks with a determination of blockchain innovation to guarantee straightforwardness, unchanging nature and genuine following.


CannaCor works with a gathering of experienced researchers, blockchain designers, drug specialists and architects day by day, with the objectives of improving our organization by exploring and conveying earth maintainable great cannabis items.

Blockchain Track and Trace Features

The Blockchain gives the most extreme straightforwardness in the decentralized chronicle of information and guarantees that the records of the stage are secure, straightforward, unquestionable and unchanging.

Cannabis Cultivation cycle Management

The blockchain and applications will be utilized to facilitate the exercises required to acknowledge crude materials, make the items, test for quality, bundle for transportation and calendar for conveyance. Our point is to quantify and capture the nature of our items, generation yield and labor profitability to guarantee the venture makes items that satisfy quality guidelines.

Cannabis Supply Chain Management

Store network, the board is the treatment of the whole creation stream of the CannaCor items - beginning from seed planting right to conveying the last item to the purchaser. To achieve this assignment, CannaCor will make a system of procedures that moves the item along from the providers of crude materials to the associations which manage clients.

Administrative and Compliance Management

Controllers require point by point data in regards to a medicinal cannabis cultivator's matter of fact: where the item originates from, the after effects of any testing that has been done, the predetermined sum created, and dispersion. Our point is to set up help procedures to screen data all through the store network and guarantee consistency with all guidelines

The Cannacor Cultivation office

Cannacor's goal is to build up its very own aquaponics development and generation office for medicinal cannabis on the organization's premises in Lesotho. This will empower the organization to fulfill a developing need in a worldwide market of rare creation limits and become a perceived provider to the worldwide markets that have no or restricted generation limits.

The goal is to build up an office where institutionalized, uniform and predictable items can be developed, without the utilization of pesticides, so the substance of the dynamic fixings is the equivalent for each gathering and preparing stage. The advancement of the development premises into a total office for the development and creation of therapeutic cannabis is required to begin in the final quarter of 2019.

The Aquaponics development office will be set up to develop cannabis and produce items, for example,

1. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

2. Cannabidiol (CBD)

3. Cannabinoids (CBN)

4. Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid (THCA) in different qualities and blends

Production network Management

CannaCor will make a system of procedures that moves the item along from the providers of crude materials to the associations which manage clients. The three significant strides in the production network blockchain procedure are as per the following:

Decentralized information record

Blockchain innovation gives the most extreme straightforwardness in the decentralized chronicle of information. It guarantees that the production network record is secure, straightforward, certain and changeless.


By coordinating blockchain innovation into bundling, the CannaCor group and its members (retailers, retailers, and so forth.) Will have the option to follow the exact genuine development of their cannabis stock on an individual shipment premise. At the point when an item is examined, no information should be entered.

QR code examining

The organization will utilize the following innovations which can speak with present day cell phones, making use of this basic framework for makers, retailers and shoppers the same.

About Blockchain Corporation

The Blockchain Corporation group is focused on taking care of issues in the therapeutic cannabis industry and concentrating consideration on executing genuine world blockchain innovation answers to guarantee reliable harvest development of incredible quality and amount. It tries to streamline the development life cycle of the cannabis yield and convey pinpoint inventory network answers to improve items follow capacity.

Blockchain Corporation will do this by situating itself as an early adopter and implementer of a blend of Blockchain and Hyper ledger techniques to deal with the medicinal cannabis creation life cycle and inventory network. Key focus areas are refinements in life cycle management and supply chain advancement.

Furthermore, our token sale is live, I would like you to go throughout this link, the steps and how you could get our token is being narrated to this link.

There are interesting things in this platform that will trigger you to purchase the token which I will want you to visit this connections. this is just a copy of the write of the project and below shows main data of ventures.

Webiste | Whitepaper | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram | Linkedin |

Author: Menthil85

Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2215446 

ETH: 0x1Fa6eFAfD10790Ebc46B13116e6Ea03989C9e5f0

12.399 GOLOS
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