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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Secured Gold Coin, (SGC) is a hybrid coin that is supported by 60 percent gold

Hello dear reader at the Golos.io forum. In this meeting I will be a future project that will work to combine transparency, security and eternity on Blockchain Technology with the gold standard.

The project seeks to introduce trust, fair exchange, and revolutionary values ​​to the world of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency and the wider global financial market.

This project is called the Safe Gold Coin, (SGC). Well for more details about all the work procedures of this SGC project, let's follow all my notes below.

About the Birth of the SGC Project.

Domain Blockchain and Cryptocurrency have grown rapidly in the 10 years since it was launched. In this period, many cryptocurrency was promoted, some more real than others, some coins and several tokens, but the general factor in all of them was that they did not have a clear vision and concept of any use.

This fast-growing and wild technology and shortcomings in cryptocurrency motivates SGC makers to offer crypto users throughout the world, with sustainable solutions for their financial needs.

About the SGC Project.

Secured Gold Coin, (SGC) is a hybrid coin that is supported by 60 percent gold, is fully decentralized, is free from manipulation of entities, and has many utilities.

SGC coins are specifically made for global use with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry physical cash. This is a safe, stable, and can be used for all types of crypto users without fear of rapidly declining coin prices.

With the ability to spend, receive, and invest SGC coins with your current SGC Pay Debit Cards, SGC coins are proven to be the safest and most reliable cryptocurrency available.

Vision and Mission of the SGC Project.

It revolves around empowering people with proactive digital currency cleansing that is sweeping away hundreds of cryptos that fail to provide decentralization, stability, security, transparency, and usability.

Equality is one of the core values ​​at SGC, which will make it equally useful for all; regardless of their demographic characteristics or interests. From everyday users to corporate users to hedge fund users, and gold bullion lovers around the world.

The SGC project is a whole package.

Guaranteed with actual physical bar gold insurance that is stored in one of the safest and most reliable locations and is bound by the SGC Pay Debit Card, 60% cryptocurrency supported by gold The SGC project will offer the highest stability, security and usability, which will make it the world's optimal cryptocurrency, operate on the basis of demand and the principle of fair supply, and advocate financial freedom for millions of users.

The SGC project has envisioned a world with a healthy and fair financial system that is free of manipulation, based on advanced Blockchain Technology and using highly stable cryptocurrency supported by stable assets that significantly resolves the volatility problem in the cryptocurrency domain.

The Secure Gold Coin Community can now utilize the Secure Gold Coin Market to directly sell and buy Secure Gold Coins, as well as large fees.

As for the secured gold coins, gold is undergoing a dangerous change in function. Not only as a funding channel, but can be used as a means of payment.

This is without doubt the welcome news for everyone, especially for gold lovers. This is a podium that makes buying or selling safe gold coins without any hassle.

By using the podium in the safe gold coin market, when customers are worried about finding or selling safe gold coins, they only need to fill out forms on the website, and when they finish filling out forms, their machine will start to cheat. After completing all the exchange procedures, new safe gold coins will be produced.

The reason for this podium on the market is the acceleration of every transaction system for direct purchase of secured gold coins, eliminating the need to go through every complex step, making it very simple and effective.

Conclusion (Part of quality and quantity).

To be able to reach a bigger market - both cryptocurrency and gold investors, it is needed for Safe Gold Coins as a platform to use the services of expert digital marketers and influencers to drive traffic to their social media channels while creating attractive online communities.

Displaying platforms in leading media publications such as Forbes, Yahoo Finance, CCN, CoinTelegraph, Investing.com, and Hackernoon which have a large reader base can prove invaluable in bringing Safe Gold Coins to the attention of potential investors. Also, the inclusion of more incentive-directed community activities aimed at increasing the online presence of the Secure Gold Coin will serve to further enhance the project's online visibility.

Realizing that all big things take time, I believe that in the nearest future, Safe Gold Coins will be one of the most preferred ways to invest in a highly liquid and profitable gold market, and as an investor, I will always try to use a platform that is more transparent dedicated to improving their brand through partnerships, security audits, and regular community updates.

I also need to be able to take the time to explain the differences to let people who are interested in investing in gold through cryptocurrency realize that even though platforms similar to Safe Gold Coins exist, Safe Gold Coins offers many advantages over alternatives.

Official Resources

WEBSITE - https://www.securedgoldcoin.com/

TWITTER - https://twitter.com/SGC___official

FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/sgccoinofficial

LINKEDIN - https://www.linkedin.com/company/sgc-official-secured-gold-coin/

TELEGRAM - https://t.me/securedgoldcoin_SGC

MEDIUM - https://medium.com/@SGC_official

WHITEPAPER - https://www.securedgoldcoin.com/file/SGC_Whitepaper_V_1.0.1.pdf

ONE PAGER - https://www.securedgoldcoin.com/file/SGC_Onepager_V_1.0.0.pdf

Author: Menthil85

Bitcointalk Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2215446 

ETH: 0x1Fa6eFAfD10790Ebc46B13116e6Ea03989C9e5f0

1.882 GOLOS
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