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5 лет назад


The technology does not stop. While chaos reigns in the financial sector, its electronic currency has appeared on the Internet. And not tens, but hundreds, thousands of cryptocurrencies ... Modern technologies are something, many useful things appear out of nowhere and help us in life. It is hard to imagine that even 15 or 20 years ago there were no smartphones. People were called only by "city" landlines. Today everything has changed. Cryptocurrency is another technology that can change our world for the better. This concept appeared a few years ago. However, the technology proved to be very useful and demanded in several fields. From the daily payments and ending with data protection. The operation of cryptocurrencies is based on blockchain technology. All this information is stored in several devices that participate in this system, and anyone can become a member of this system (something like a torrent when downloading information). The information about this payment can be shown on all devices (the data is synchronized through the Internet), so it is almost impossible to hack a system of this type. The advantages of developing projects in this system are obvious. Therefore, Storichain https://storichain.io/ is a platform based on blockchain, a protocol of DApp agreements and storytellers that creates stories, distributes and manages PI stories.

The term "narrative industry" refers to an industry that uses "stories" as the source of its products and includes areas such as movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals, and radio stations. The problem in the industry is the problem of benefit sharing. Storichain can be seen as a digital history asset management system that allows people to conduct transactions online, even with unreliable people, by signing a "theft prevention agreement". Storichain begins by creating a database of symbolic values ​​to create stories that, ultimately, seek to reduce the value of trust among writers in the story industry, production companies and readers. This will make Storichain more transparent in the process of creating the proposed work from the source material by eliminating existing injustices in the industry and creating new values. We live in the narrative world, we have dozens of stories per day, cartoons on the web, web novels, plays, movies, musicals, etc .; we share stories, we cry, we laugh; Sometimes they give advice about history through additions. Authors get the power of their sympathy, express their gratitude and even take their advice into account. Communication between writers and readers has become a necessary foundation for creativity in the online age.

Storichain is trying to make this communication between writers and readers a fairer and more reliable contract to create the value of assets. Storichain is a protocol that provides a contract for history contracts. Users can change their position in the ecosystem of the chain of stories as writers, producers and readers, as well as participate in the creation of stories before they are published as separate media, such as movies, dramas, cartoons and games. Also, if you can receive a reward for the user's weekly contribution before selling the copyright, and if the story in which you participated is sold for a second production, such as publication, video, DApp) and Ethereum, as the main network .

Storichain aims to study and develop "stories" as a form of intellectual property. A historical industry can be defined as an industry that includes the work of storytellers and actions that use stories created for various purposes. In 2014, the narrative revealed an industry that creates added value through products and companies based on research, discoveries, planning, development, creation, dissemination and dissemination of stories that are considered a source of imagination and creativity. Storichain does not save the original textual history data in the blockchain. This is due to the fact that Storichain considers the contribution at the stage of creation and transaction, as well as the transfer of ownership of the story rather than the text data / graphics of the story itself. No one can prevent a person from distributing text content, because they only need to take a picture of their monitor and distribute it wherever they want. Instead of simply preventing such actions, Storichain believes that it is more important to prove the value of the author's efforts by systematically measuring who contributed to the story, when and how it contributed to the transfer of ownership and how much each creator contributed to the story. cooperation case. Storichain calls this type of data "metric activity". Since activity indicators are used to distribute the benefits of a story, they can not be manipulated or manipulated. In addition, the activity indicators are also used as a basis for calculating the growth index, which is used to determine the value of the underlying asset of a story. This will be the basis for the distribution of profits. Storichain follows blockchain technology, which expands trust between subscribers and their borders in unanticipated areas. Blockchain provides confidence beyond boundaries and ideologies, helping many industries simplify the problems they have faced in the past and offer new solutions. The company seeks to introduce the chain of blocks in the history industry to create a world in which everyone can feel satisfied, assuming part of the responsibility. To gradually implement this philosophy, the company identified the current problems of the industry to find new solutions.


1 TORI = approximately 0.0034 ~ 0.0035USD

Initial sale: 600 million TORI.

Sale B: 420,000,000 TORI

For sale C: 360,000,000 TORI

Click on the link for more information.

Website: https://storichain.io/

White Paper: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s902dyb4msuSu4dcg-9tlqE8vVcxC2Kb

Telegram: https://t.me/storichain_en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storichain

Twitter: https://twitter.com/storichain

Author: Menthil85

Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2215446 

ETH: 0x1Fa6eFAfD10790Ebc46B13116e6Ea03989C9e5f0

0.227 GOLOS
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