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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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5 лет назад

AUDITCHAIN Decentralized Continuous Audit & Reporting Protocol Ecosystem™

Self-auditing state of a distributed journal and the validation of purchases frst occurred on January 4, 2009 with the launch of the genesis block of the Bitcoin blockchain. Constant audit is progressing in theory and practice. Its method is restricted primarily to inner coverage controls. The application of jurisdictionally compliant accountancy treatment to purchases and also reporting system danger controls happening in a lot of company procedures is currently in theory feasible concurrently within and also based on a decentralized continual audit environment pursuant to SSAE 18 and also IASE 3402 criteria through making use of confgurable "Ricardian" kind clever contracts. Such agreements, as proposed in this paper, do not hold guardianship of value yet rather perform commands for exactly how lawful problems and value are treated based upon a fxed or progressing arrangement.

Auditchain proposes to embody a community that consists of a blockchain method as well as an open resource library of audit wise agreements sufcient to catch, process, audit and also record venture information and performance information on a real time continuous basis under a continuous independent audit going beyond present audit, audit and also control requirements. A public dealing with and/or authorization based discussion layer recommends to render in genuine time, at the close of every block; annual report, income declaration, cash fow and declaration of modifications in shareholders' equity reports that has the capacity to far surpass the integrity of existing coverage requirements.

Auditchain is creating a digitally automated and decentralized audit in actual time of firms, non-profits and federal governments. Auditchain is a blockchain where specialist certified Auditors can run specialized audit nodes. The economic declaration information of the company are tape-recorded on the Auditchain network in close to actual time. The external Auditors then act in a similar way like the outside validators of the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains as well as on the surface verify the information for honesty and also truthfulness. These assessments can then be accessed by 3rd parties in actual time via Auditchain's DCARPETM Explorer. The DCARPE Explorer is a block explorer as well as a business audit as well as reporting user interface. Streaming Financial StatementsTM and AUDT AnalyticsTM are accessed via the DCARPETM Explorer.

The AUDT Token is the base money and energy for enterprise application service, assurance and disclosure payments. AUDT unlocks network solutions that provide the highest degree of transparency to financiers and also stakeholders at a portion of the expense of traditional audit and also coverage. As a layer two method, Auditchain offers seamless interoperability in between personal as well as public blockchains which makes it possible for robust utility and also atomic settlement of profession payables.

The AUDT Token is consumed through staking by enterprises, Certified public accountants, Chartered Accountants, carriers of business software application as well as other service providers. Staking will certainly foster motivation to provide nonstop solution and also reduce the cost of solutions on the network in addition to enforce a fair and also well balanced gamified AUDT Token financial system. AUDT is also bet and also taken in by clients to the DCARPE Traveler who subscribe to a range of access to thorough electronic possession and also venture monetary statement and audit analytics data. Furthermore, third party service subscriptions with the DCARPE Explorer will certainly make it possible for the development of dynamically updating actionable research study reports on picked digital properties.

 Website: https://auditchain.com/

Whitepaper: https://auditchain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/

 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/auditchain_official/

 Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuditChain

Telegram community : https://t.me/joinchat/FhX6ikmW8NavlabJoMHhIA

Telegram announcement: https://t.me/AuditChain

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/auditchain/

Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Auditchain 

Bitcointalk Profile Link : 


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