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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Greetings to you dear readers. I am always glad to share with you the most promising ideas and startups from the world of cryptocurrencies. They are created in order to facilitate our life with you, and to change the world in the future.

If the company does not conduct the procedure “Know your customer”,
then she risks being involved in criminal activities and prosecuted by law.

This is necessary not only to ensure that financial institutions know and understand their clients better (including their tolerance for risk and investment preferences), but also to know exactly who they are dealing with,
and whether their client is involved in any illegal activity (like fraud or money laundering).

The main standard aspects of the “Know Your Customer” policy:

Customer Approval Policy
Customer ID Process
Transaction tracking
Management of risks
This approach is based on risk calculation.
as well as basic personal information for customer identification. Companies seek to determine the risk with which each individual client may become involved in illegal activities, and can set, according to their expectations, a filter on the number and type of transactions (so as to automatically track any unusual transactions and,
it is possible to start an investigation on their basis).

The process of checking your data - takes some time, but as we all know: this is a very painful procedure. And if you simplify this process to a minimum ... The TrustED project offers a convenient solution to this problem. With it, the verification procedure will be reduced to a very small period of time,
as all data about you will be stored in one place.

TrustED is the first of its kind credential service that brings honesty, legitimacy and convenience to the education industry and human resources. Trusted uses advanced blockchain technology to mitigate many problems
arising in the process of verification and storage of academic certificates.

Trusted is designed to help overcome the drawbacks of the educational system by allowing authorities to issue academic credentials, as well as their storage in a distributed global book, rather than in a centralized database.
So TrustED allows employers to verify the credentials of potential employees without the involvement of third-party intermediaries or a lengthy process.

The TrustED platform will allow certificate or credential owners the ability to independently upload credentials,
using TrustED as a personal cloud repository specifically for academic achievements and certificates, which minimizes the risk mentioned above.

TrustED offers governments a reliable source for document verification for immigrant workers, and besides, it identifies any fraudulent requirements much more effectively,
than is currently possible.

The main functions of the platform:

Storage of credentials. TrustED predetermines a successful system for the authorities when issuing credentials, since all detailed information about graduates and specialists will be stored in a single digital system.
This data will be subject to detailed verification and will be stored on the TrustED distributed network.
Access to credentials. Credential owners and graduates will be able to create an account on a trusted platform and have access to their verified credentials at all times,
for now have complete control over the distribution of these credentials in the system.
Verification of credentials. Those who want to verify the credentials of a person can do it in minutes by creating an account on a trusted platform and requesting the same on the platform.
Reliable tokens (TED) in the ERC20 will be used,
Compatible Token to facilitate the purchase of trust loans (TCRD) which is a TrustED's own token that is used for all payments and transactions within the system.
The goal of the project team is to turn Trusted into an industry standard for certificate accreditation. Transition to a global decentralized database
containing every certificate or academic record that has ever been received.

The company has successfully built a fully functional product, which is just a few modifications from the full operation of the general public.

Advantages of the platform:
Powered by Blockchain
Safe storage
Authenticity guaranteed
Simplified Check
The TrustED platform helps overcome the existing dysfunctional system by allowing academic institutions to store credentials and certificates in a distributed global book, rather than in centralized databases.
These institutions act as inspection bodies, ensuring that every academic account is authenticated directly from the source. Employers can verify the credentials of potential employees without requiring third parties, or a lengthy process. TrustED offers governments a reliable source for document verification for workers
immigrants, and, moreover, it reveals any fraudulent claims much more efficiently than is currently possible.


Token symbol: TED
Token Type - ERC20
Token Platform - Ethereum
The total amount of tokens issued is 1,720,000,000.00 TED
The number of issued tokens intended for sale - 1,204,000,000.00 TED
ICO will be held in the first quarter of 2019.
Soft Cap - USD $ 11 million
Hard Cap - USD $ 21,070,000
Depending on the period of sale of the bonus program will vary from 5 to 20%.

TrustED provides diverse experiences, brainstorming and skills that all contribute to the future success of TrustED technology.

Official TrustED project resources:

Website: https: //ico.trusteducation.
io / # platform

VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5039745.msg46268799#msg46268799/

Bounty VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5039777.0

Whitepaper: https://ico.trusteducation.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/TrustED-Whitepaper.pdf

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