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5 лет назад

Serenity — Energy on the GO!


Due to the huge environmental impact of fossil fuel now the world is focused on the renewable energy sector. Serenity Project is combining the renewable energy with the advanced blockchain technology. With this the company believes that they can revolutionize the renewable energy generation, reducing environmental effects caused by the non renewable energy, developing Net-Zero estates and expand globally by affiliate licensing.
Blockchain technology is advancing to a new level as we speak and it had affected positively in various industries in the world. By using blockchain technology to facilitate & encourage environment-friendly initiatives, Serenity will promote renewable energy production, sustainable living and trans-active energy grid retail services. This will change the way public look at the challenges associated with a shift toward sustainable, renewable energy production.

Serenity will be focusing on renewable energy sector (solar energy specially)combined with the power of the blockchain the company will aim to revolutionize the energy generation, monetization of carbon credits, developing Net-zero estates and expand globally by affiliate licensing. using blockchain to encourage and facilitate Eco-friendly Initiatives, Serenity will promote sustainable living. it will focus on renewable energy production and transactive energy grid retail services. It will completely change the view of people taking challenges associated with a shift towards sustainable renewable energy and its products.
Serenity source is setting an example that how Blockchain can support high technology giving a chance to use it in daily life. Further, I want to mention that Project developers will create their solar farms which will be a source to give renewable energy to people.
The Serenity platform will be connected to national electricity operators, providing the balancing the demand and supply of electricity, responding at the substation level, and making possible a structural transition towards blockchain and renewables.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Comparing with other large scale energy sources renewable energy solutions are widely available and environmentally friendly. Most of the hydro power sources are already occupied or at the construction stage. The solar panels on rooftops of house holds are the current trend. Although the capital cost of solar panels are high in 3 or 4 years the cost can be covered by selling the excess energy back to the grid. (Typically, the produced solar energy is used by household and any excess energy will be sold back to the grid. There are different tariffs.) The electricity grid is built only to feed in energy not to get a feedback energy from the households or consumers. For a household sustainable solution, Serenity introduces severe technical challenges how to maintain the stability of the electrical grid (which is designed only to feed in energy) which is now getting a feedback energy from the consumers.
As the renewable share of the grid increases, specially when the solar energy share, we have to have spinning power plant at few lower droop power plants to maintain the frequency of the network. The solar energy cant be predicted. Other thing is that solar power is only available at the daytime. So we have to have power plants to operate at the evening peak. These plants will only be needed at the evening peak. Therefore, power plants must adjust electricity production as soon as sunlight exposure changes, which is not efficient and adds additional burden on power plants and energy distribution.


As an Electrical Engineer I know that a greater share of the global power sector supplied by the large-scale energy providers such as hydro, coal, gas and nuclear. At the middle 20th century people didn't aware of the environment impact of these energy types. So they have built these power generation plant in large scale. But at the last 2 decades of the 20th century scientists discovered the greenhouse effect and the huge impact the power plants has on the environment. Then the people tend to the renewable energy sector, although it is not cheap as the fossil fuel energy public likes it because of the zero environmental effect of them. So now the most of the countries are gradually stepping into renewable sector line solar and wind energy.
The electricity demand and the supply must be balanced precisely, otherwise it would cause a unbalance in the system and frequency of the system would change drastically if there is an unbalance between the electricity generation and consumption.
The electricity suppliers are struggling to balance electricity generation and customers consumption and the marketplace lack transparrency and incentives for reduction of energy consumption. The inefficiency of the network cause the prices of a unit goes up.

Serenity Solution

The aim of Serenity is to bring blockchain to the energy sector and transform how the people engage with the utilities by bringing control and transparency back to the end users. Serenity will provide solutions for the people who have neglected by traditional systems.
National electricy grid and the Serenity Platform will be connected to provide the necessary balance between electricity generation and customers consumption. Also Serenity aims to reduce household energy consumption which is 20–40% of total energy use.


A sustainable world, where every household is organically fitted with a renewable energy production and storage capabilities, being a small-scale energy generator connected to the distributed grid, and as a part of a shared economy monetizing their planet caring behavior through incentives and rewards.

Why Choose Serenity?

Unlike other traditional energy sources distribution model, Serenity’s model is to transact energy sales, surplus energy trading, and other ancilary activities over the blockchain.
· Serenity is offering to become a part of a uniquely exciting new concept and significant international development for early investors.
· Brainstorm with Serenity →You can become a core member by shareing your smart ideas with Serenity.
· Serenity is a company built by persons who is driven by passion, enthusiasm and a clear vision for a better future for everyone on the world.
· You have the chance to become associated partners with a unique well internationally recognized brand.

Market Potential

By world rankings according to the solar power generation, Australia ranks 6th in the world for total solar PV and solar thermal — installed capacity per capita. Australia currently has around 4,5000 MW of installed solar capacity. Australia’s solar capacity is almost entirely located on consumers’s rooftops. At 2015 more than one in seven households had installed solar PV on their rooftops. This is a 15% percentage rate across all Australian houses. And this percentage is rapidly increasing.And with power prices increasing further, and as the environmental regulations increasing more people and more countries will tend to the solar energy sector. It is obvious that the future of solar PV is positive, with many of the fundamentals in place for another very strong year for the solar industry.

Rapid Building System

Rapid building system can be used as a foundation for building a Carbon Negative, Net-Zero homes.With integrated blockchain enabled gateway HEPEK, Serenity will be giving household consumers a tangible platform to produce a renewable energy surplus.Those homes, will be part of the new emerging distributed network of sustainable dwellings producing electric energy and selling the surplus to other members of the network ecosystem.Rapid building system is a holistic construction design which has set of Passive House design principles:

  • Thermal Insulation
  • High Energy Performance Windows
  • Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
  • Airtightness
  • Thermal Bridge Free Construction
  • Integrated PV roof panels


Serenity will be utilizing a three token model, all three tokens will be ERC-20 compliant.

  • SERENITY TOKEN (Main Token)
  • ERGON (Utility Paymen Token)


Serenity i snot a proprietary payment currency. It is utility and work token used as a right to;
Perform work on behalf of the serenity community network.
Acquire access to Serenity Energy Retailer Services.
Obtain additional discounts.
Acquire fractionel ownership in serenity revenues generated from serenity renewable projects.
The serenity token will fuel the serenity’s blockchain based economy and facilitate access to Serenity Platform, allowing global platform interoperrability. Serenity afiliates will need to acquire and surrender appropriete amounts of Serenity tokens in order to become network provider services.
SERENITY token holders will get an additional passive income stream. The reason for saying that is that Serenity token will have constant growth unlike other crypto currencies because it is backed by demands for services of real business and real assets like energy, carbon credits and tangible Net-Zero property developments, which is much different than other crypto tokens which are mostly based on bitcoin and it ups and downs. The other thing is that the large stakeholders will be periodically reward by interest rate.

ERGON (Utility Paymen Token)

The ERGON (ERC20) token is a currency for energy trading, a stable payment token, designed to provide blockchain security, trustless transaction immutability, to protect members from crypto market fluctuation and maintain a steady energy price. As a stable payment token, ERGON is anchored to the local currency and backed by actual fiat deposits in the currency of local trading jurisdiction.
The ERGON token will be created when the Serenity members deposits fiat, crypto, or through blockchain proovable production of renewable energy, and redeemed by Serenity member either for fiat, denominated in currency of local trading jurisdiction. When redeemed ERGON tokens will be taken out of supply and destroyed

CARBON (Stable Award Token)

CARBON token is stable token created as a reward for reduction of CO2 through blockchain provable production of renewable energy. CARBON token is backed by the price of Carbon Credits. Carbon Credits, being data-driven and dependent on multiple approval steps are the perfect candidate for a digital currency as they exist separately from the physical impacts to which they correlate. In the event of redemption, the redeemmed CARBON tokens will be taken out of supply and destroyed.

Serenity Smart Broker (HEPEK)

The smart energy gateway blockchain enabled devices is core hardware, which will be installed at Serenity members’ premises.HEPEK will accurately and immutable measure and record on blockchain energy consumption and renewable production.By having access to real-time spot energy market price, HEPEK gateway will be able to make a smart decision about consumption and distribution, storage or export of generated energy to the grid.

Smart Homes

Blockchain technology is a decentralized ledger technology. When combined with the energy sector, energy will be available for people to trade on peer to peer trading platform, which will enable a fundamental shift in the distribution of energy supply and usage.Inside houses, the application of blockchain will accelerate the introduction of IoT technology connected smart devices.Inter connectivity has been a road block to the smart technology category for over a decade, and block chain could be the solution to this. By creating a more inclusive ecosystem it will be possible to exchanged data freely between devices.

Blockchain and Energy Sector

Most of the traditional market roles could be called into question, including distribution system operators, retailers, suppliers, metering point operators, balancing groups and more. Bloc kchain could be used for eIectricity tracking with at least two purposes: rewards for generating renewable energy, and renewable energy certificates or carbon credits. For those who want to invest in renewable s but lack the fund, bloc kchain technoIogy could enable collecteve invesstments and fractional ownership, ensuring fair and transparrent sharing of revanues.
Blockchains has ability to allow peer-to-peer energy transactions could make a huge impact to disrupt the energy sector, particularly by encouraging decentrallization.The growing use of small renewable energy instalations, such as rooftop solar panels, can create stress on electricity grid that are designed with large,centralized power plants in mind. By letting peer-to-peer energy exchanging and incentive's local consumption at the time of production, block chain could stabilize the grid, aiding this decentralization.As always, the future is unpredictable, but one thing is for certain; the way we store and exchange information will evolve through every year, and it is unlikely that the energy market will look the same after few decades. If it is lead wisely and efficiently for good, block chain could play a key role in speeding up the transition to renewable energy and the distribution of surplus energy generated by small scale renewable plants.


In Long-term plan , serenity will make net-zero estates much more common than they are today. Serenity intends to build a global network of like-minded organizations and individuals, offering affiliate licensing deals to spread the word about our efforts and recruit the masses to our movement. Serenity can make Serenity Source into something that works on a large scale and bring hope to a world that for many years now has seemed resigned to ever-increasing rates of planetary death and decay.
In case you want to find more details about this amazing project, please use the below links.

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