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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Digital-gold- Absolutely new way of investing in gold digital gold backed-token

Investing into gold is one of the most well known sorts of long haul ventures that have demonstrated to be beneficial a seemingly endless amount of time after year. Financial specialists in gold can buy gold in its physical structure and keep it put away in a bank vault or an individual safe in their home. The Digital Gold platform has adopted another strategy. They permit their financial specialists to put resources into the digital condition of gold, put away as a GOLD Token situated on the Ethereum blockchain. This is an ideal method for putting resources into gold for the individuals who would prefer not to stress over where to store the gold and how to manage it in the wake of having bought it.

For more data about the Digital Gold platform, https://gold.storage/en/home, it would be ideal if you investigate my article Digital Gold - Exchange Gold Without Confinements.

In the event that you might want to figure out how to exchange gold on the Digital Gold platform please investigate How To Exchange Gold On the Digital Gold Marketplace for more data.

Right now, am going to make an examination between the potential benefits a financial specialist could have made had he/she put resources into gold contrasted with putting resources into the two most mainstream cryptographic forms of money - Bitcoin and Ethereum in the last 6 and a year.

Let us start by investigating Ethereum. At this accurate minute, the estimation of Ethereum is $146 as per CoinMarketCap. In the event that a financial specialist had bought Ethereum precisely one year back, he would have paid roughly $88 per token. This is a benefit of over 65% in one year.

Precisely a half year prior, Ethereum was esteemed at $245. Contrasted and the present value a financial specialist would have lost 40% of his venture had he bought ETH a half year back.

Let us currently investigate the developments Bitcoin has made in a similar time period.
On 10 Dec 2018, the estimation of Bitcoin was $3,415. The present an incentive as per CoinMarketCap is $7,281. An interest in Bitcoin precisely one year back would have brought the financial specialist a benefit of 113%.

On the off chance that we presently center around the worth that was present a half year prior, we can see that one bitcoin was esteemed at $7,969. Such a venture would bring about lost 8.6% contrasted with the present worth.

Presently the time has come to give you how gold performed during a similar time allotment. As per information appeared on MarketsInsider, the present cost of gold per 1 ounce is $1,465. An interest in gold one year back could have brought about a benefit of 17.9% today. That is a benefit of $1,790 on a $10,000 starting speculation.

Had a financial specialist put resources into gold a half year prior his portfolio would now show a benefit of precisely 10%. That is a $1,000 benefit on a $10,000 venture.

The estimation of Bitcoin has expanded by 113% over the most recent a year which makes it the best entertainer among these three money related instruments that I investigated. Yet, an interest in Bitcoin a half year back shows a total deficit of 8.6% today. The developments of Ethereum show the accompanying information. One year back today all financial specialists in Ethereum could have recorded a benefit of over 65% however a similar speculation a half year prior could bring about a general negative equalization of - 40%. This shows how unpredictable digital forms of money are and how critical the value developments can be in the space of only a couple of months.

Gold, then again, is viewed as a place of refuge with regards to ventures. Particularly in the midst of money related vulnerability or political issue. It isn't as unpredictable as digital currencies are and is increasingly appropriate for institutional cash. The numbers and the information posted above show that gold can deliver strong development long haul and in spite of the fact that that development potential isn't as large as with Bitcoin or Ethereum, during the most recent a year, it is additionally not as unstable as Bitcoin and Ethereum were during the most recent a half year. The graphs show a 10% expansion in the estimation of gold during a period where Bitcoin fell by 8.6% and Ethereum by 40%.

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: Oyetunde1

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1194023;sa=summary

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